ID | Agate |
1269 | Hackberry Wash, California, local name, site listed by Strong (1971, p. 65), site that produced common opal, moss agate, dendritic agate, and agatized wood from volcanics of Micoene age. The name Hackberry Wash does not appear in Geographic Names Information System. |
1270 | Haemachate, agates that have blood-red or spots that approach being perfect spheres that are formed in red tinted chalcedony (Heddle, 1901, p. 72, fig. 27). |
1271 | Haema-ovoid agate, agates that are somewhat similar to haemachates above, but the small disks appear to be arranged in circles (Heddle, 1901, p. 72, fig. 28). They may be larger disks with the coloring agents near their peripheries. |
1272 | Hagemeister Spit, Alaska, collecting area listed by Waskey (1960, p. 16, 18) as being situated at 58o 30' N and 161o 30" W, but which does not appear in the Geographic Names Information Service data base. A Hagemeister Island is listed in Geographic Names Information Systems at 58o 40' 15" N and 160o 55' 45" W, Dillinghan County. |
1273 | Hallefinta, see Valiant (1899, p. 93-98). |
1274 | Halls Creek Crazy Lace Agate, Australia, no description, adv., Bishop's Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 28, no. 2, p. 423. |
1275 | Halloween jasper, Wyoming, no description, adv., Cab-n-Facet, Lapidary Journal, v. 21, no. 8, p. 979. |
1276 | Halsbach, Germany, Gotze, Plotze, Fuchs and Habermann (1999, p. 152, 153) suggested that agates from this site are a vein agate that formed in a rhyolite and examined them by electron paramagnetic resonance, cathodoluminescence and trace element content. |
1277 | Hampton Butte, Oregon, name used by Novinger (1969, p. 1530-1536) for illustrated piece of petrified wood from Oregon. |
1278 | Hampton Buttes, Oregon, various fortification agates, light green lacey moss agate, jasper, and green jasper, Lapidary Journal, v. 1, no. 1, p. 30-31. Name from Hampton Butte, 43o 46' 30" and 120o 15' 50" to 120o 16' 45", Crook and Deschutes Counties, Oregon, Hampton Butte Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). The agates come from welded ash flow tuffs that are mapped as the John Day Formation of Miocene Age. See also Rodgers, 1976, p. 116-128). Oakley (1979, p. 778-779) provided colored images of this material. |
1279 | Hampton Wood, Oregon?, adv., Chet & Marge Springer, Earth Science Digest, v. 7, no. 6, p. 45; Lapidary Journal , v. 4, no. 1, p. 85. |
1280 | Hanging Rock, near Nundle, New South Wales, Australia, historic chalcedony locality recorded by Benson (1913, p. 584-585). |
1281 | Hanksville Peach agate, Utah? Simpson (1975, p. 68, 69) lists some agates as being about 60 miles south of Hanskville, Utah, and this may be the material, rkp. |
1282 | Hansen Creek Wood, Colorado, probably for Hansen Creek, extending from 37o 13' 05" to 37o 17' 00" and 106o 30' 27" to 106o 34' 20" W, Conejos County, Colorado, Victoria Lake and Platoro Maps, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5" x 7.5". ...adv., E.A. Bay, Lapidary Journal, v. 13, no. 2, p. 351. |
1283 | Hardyston jasper, for Hardyston Formation, sandstones and quartzites of early Cambrian age that are exposed in parts of Northern New Jersey and Northeastern Pennsylvania. See Myers (1940, p. 219-225). |
1284 | Harper Agate, Iowa, for Harper, 41o 21' 45" N and 92o 03' 03" W, Keokuk County, Iowa, Harper Map, U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. Marine sedimentary agates from Limestones in the Osage or Meramec Series of Mississippian age. See Burry, 1979, p. 1312-1324. color illustrations. |
1285 | Hauser Geode (bed), Chuckwalla Mountains, California, geodes with generally agate shells discovered by collector named Thompson. See Henry, D. J., 1947. Black Hills of California, The Mineralogist, v. 15, no. 9, p. 451-453. Henry stated that the name Hauser Geodes preceded the name Chocolate Mountain Geodes, making the latter a synonym. Berkholz (1953, p. 4-6, 8, 10) suggested the beds were named for Joel Hauser, who made early collections in this area. See also Strong (1971, p. 74, 76) and Johnson (1971, p. 6). From outcrops in NE 1/4, sec. 13, T. 9 S., R. 18 E., Imperial County, California, Little Chuckwalla Mountains Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 minute series (Topographic) |
1286 | Hay Creek blue agate, Hay Creek Ranch, Oregon, no description, adv., Hay Creek Ranch, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 1, p. 307. See also McMackin (1978b, p. 1524-1530). |
1287 | Hay Creek Jasper, Oregon, no description, adv., Hay Creek Ranch, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 1, p. 307. |
1288 | Hay Creek Ranch Thundereggs, Oregon, no description, adv., Cascade Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 29, no. 10, p. 1864. See also Eaton (1984, p. 63-65). |
1289 | Haystack Mountain Jasper, Owyhee section of eastern Oregon, no description, adv., Frank H. Waskey, Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 11, p. 1147. The name Haystack Mountain does not appear in the Geographic Names Information System. |
1290 | Haywardite, Oregon? no locality, no description, probably for Hayward, 45o 38' 40" N and 123o 12' 56" W, Washington County, Oregon, Buxton Map, U. S. Geological Survey Map, 7.5' x 7.5'.The Oregon Trail Mineral and Gemstone Shop, The Mineralogist, v. 5, no. 1, p. 101. The name may refer to agates found in streams in extreme northwestern Oregon. |
1291 | Head Cheese, Arizona, a brecciateed jasper, illustrated by Jones (1977, p. 110). |
1292 | Heads of Ayr (See South of the Heads of Ayr) |
1293 | Heavenly Blue Agate, Oregon, a fine sky-blue agate with fine dendritic patterns that were recorded by Caldwell (1948, p. 99-102) as coming from gravels in the John Day River in Eastern Oregon |
1294 | Hector Hills (agate, jasper, jasp-agate), California, for hills south of Hector, California, in approximately secs. 15, 16, 21, 22, T. 8 N., R. 5 E., San Bernardino County, California, Hector Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 minute series (Topographic). See Strong (1971, p. 52, 53) and Mitchell (1986, p. 53). |
1295 | Helena Beds (Petrified) Wood, Texas, no description, adv., New Texcraft Manufacturing Company, Lapidary Journal, v. 12, no. 1, p. 151. |
1296 | Heliotrope, term used by Bauer (1896) to describe uniform dark green chalcedony (plasma), with red spots. Also, bloodstone. |
1297 | Hell Canyon Agate, South Dakota, For Hell Canyon, southwestern South Dakota. The actual type area is spelled Hell Canyon in the U. S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System; it is situated at 43o 34' 06" N and 103o 57' 00" W, Custer County, South Dakota, and 43o 18' 51" N and 103o 36' 14" W, Fall River County, South Dakota, Jewel Cave, Jewel Cave NW, Jewel Cave SW, and Signal Hills Quadrangles, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (topographic). Zasadil (1951) and Zeitner (1957, 1959) used the spelling Hell=s Canyon. Elshire (1940, p. 111, 112) recorded these agate from southwestern South Dakota and used the spelling Hell Canyon which has priority. |
1298 | Hells Agate, California?, carnelian red agate with swirls, moss, adv., Nonneman's, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, no. 6, p. 447. Later advertizements from Nonneman's read Hell's Agate, ibid., v. 4, no. 5, p. 347. |
1299 | Hell's Agate, see Hells Agate. |
1300 | Hell's Canyon Agate, Idaho, brown, blue, gray, green, term used by Hanson (1956, p. 58-61). Hell (cf. Hell=s) Canyon, Idaho, is situated from 44o 02' 58" N to 44o 03' 38" N and 113o 33' 53" to 114o 12' 45" W, Custer County, Herd Lake and Massacre Mountain maps, U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. The material described by Hanson is commonly seen in lapidary shops in the east central Idaho area, near Arco. |
1301 | Hell's Canyon agate, South Dakota, ...adv., Scott's Rose Quartz Co., Rocks and Minerals, v. 29, no. 5,6, p. 308; Zasadil (1951, p. 14-16, 18); Zeitner, J. C., (1957. p. 11-13; 1959, p. 42-54) and Clark (1998). Synonym of Hell Canyon Agate. |
1302 | Hell's Canyon jasper, South Dakota, this term is often used by lapidaries in South Dakota for jaspery cobbles that formed in limestones of Pennsylvanian and Permian ages and have been reworked and are now found in the basal conglomerates in the Chadron Formation of Oligocene Age. Except for local terminologies, this is the same kind of material as Prairie Agate of Nebraska. |
1303 | Hemachates, (Latin), term used by Pliny, probably for red agate or agate with red jasper veins or spots.See Haemachate. |
1304 | Henry Mountain Peach Agate, Utah, no description, adv., Alpine Gems & Minerals, Lapidary Journal, v. 34, no. 1, p. 178. Henry Mountains are situated at approximately 37o 57' 16" N and 110o 47' 11" W, Garfield County, Utah. |
1305 | Henry Mountain Wood, Utah, no description, adv., Cab-n-Facet, Lapidary Journal, v. 21, no. 8, p. 979. |
1306 | Herzog jasper, California, the name Herzog does not appear as a place name in Geographic Names Information System but it appears in 1954 catalogue for Gem Exchange (Gem Village), Bayfield, Colorado, p. 6. Frazier and Frazier (1990) suggested the Coalinga area of California. |
1307 | Hettinger City Wood, North Dakota, see Dahlberg (1977, p. 606-609). |
1308 | Hibbing Jasper, Minnesota, synonym of Mary Ellen Jasper (Zeitner, 1963, p. 140). |
1309 | Hickoryite, not an agate or a jasper, but a yellow rhyolite with irregular red and brown patterns. It is often erroneously advertized along with agate and referred to as an agate from Mexico. e.g., adv., Louis C. Sample, Lapidary Journal, v. 24, no. 1, p. 266. This has also been erroneously referred to as Hickoryite Jasper in adv., Pebble Pub Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 24 no. 11, p. 1480. |
1310 | Hidden Canyon, California, agatized wood locality recorded by Strong (1978, p. 48-51). |
1311 | Hi-Fi Agate, see High Fidelity Agate. Material first advertized as High Fidelity Agate, and appears as "Hi-Fi" Agate in adv., American Producers, Lapidary Journal, v. 18, no. 10, p. 1140. |
1312 | Hidden Forest, in El Paso Mountains, California, local name? for agate, jasper, and agatized wood site recorded by Berkholz (1962, locality 8). The name Hidden Forest does not appear in Geographic Names Information system. |
1313 | Hidden Saddle Beds, in Wiley Well area, California, site that produced geodes and nodular agates that Strong (1971, p. 74) recorded. |
1314 | Hi Fidelity (=High Fidelity Agate), term used in adv., South Bend Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 15, no. 3, p. 381. A registered trade name for generally amygdaloidal agates that have red and yellow bands, mossy inclusions, etc. |
1315 | High Desert Beach Agates, Oregon, a term used by Gail (1972, p. 538-539) to describe agates that were tumbled by wave action and pumice abrasive in sediments of an ancient lake that would have been situated some 30 miles south of Burns, Oregon, in the Harney Valley. |
1316 | Higginsite?, adv., Rock Hobby Shop., Rocks and Minerals, v. 36, no. 3,4, p. 204. |
1317 | High Fidelity Agate, Durango, Mexico, described by Parliman (1960, p. 4, 5, 7); adv., High Fidleity Engineers, Rocks and Minerals, v. 34, no. 11,12, p. 606. Fraser and Fraser (1988) suggested it is from Coneto de Conomfort, Durango, Mexico, and Cross (1996, p. 77) substantiated this. "High Fidelity Agate" is a registered trade name for generally amygdaloidal or possibly thunder egg agates that have red and yellow bands, mossy inclusions, etc. The nodules are commonly irregular in outline, suggesting the vesicle in which they formed originated in a very viscous magma. Cross (1996, p. 77) stated that they contained multi-colors and are a vein agate that is occasionally found in nodular form. |
1318 | Highland Rim banded agate, Tennessee, ...geodes with clear or white agate, from the Fort Payne Chert of Mississippian age, Owens (1962, p. 53). |
1319 | Highland Valley Chrysocolla, local name, British Columbia, see Baker, S. G., 1960. B. C. Gem Trails. The Mineralogist, v. 28, no. 4,5, p. 66, 68. |
1320 | High Sierra Agate, Mexico, ...gray and white with some lavender and purple (cf. Casas Grande Agate, ?), adv., Goodnow Gems U.S.A., Lapidary Journal, v. 28, no. 12, p. 1807. See also Mexican High Sierra Agate. |
1321 | HiHikum opal, local name, British Columbia, hyalite, see Baker, S. G., 1960. B. C. Gem Trails. The Mineralogist, v. 28, no. 4,5, p. 66, 68. |
1322 | Hillend, Midlothian, Scotland, site recorded by Heddle (1901, p. 76) for locality in Pentland Hills and said to produce grey agates form lavas of the old red sandstone of Early Devonian Age. The site is also mentioned by Rodgers (1975, p. 87) and Macpherson (1989, p. 19) but neither treated this as a very important site. |
1323 | Hill's Canyon Agate, South Dakota, probably a term that is a misnomer for Hell Canyon, adv., Francis E. Ames, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, no. 3, p. 201. |
1324 | Hog Creek Agate, Idaho, no description, described as "Idaho Potato Nodules" in adv., Garden State Minerals, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, No. 5, p. 392; see also Idaho Potato Agates, Idaho Potato nodules, and Grouse Creek for further explanation and further details. Adv., Lay-Art Gem Shop, The Mineralogist about v. 14 or15. Brown (1956, p. 4, figs. 3, 4) illustrated agates from about 9 miles Northwest of Weiser, Idaho, with plant-like structures that are similar to membranous cristobalite inclusions. For Hog Creek, Smiths Ferry, Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). These are probably identical to Beacon Hill agates, except they come from the drainage to the east of Beacon Road. See Beckwith, 1972, p. 40, who stated that similar agates were found here weathered from their matrix. |
1325 | Hog Creek Iris, Idaho, iris agate from Hog Creek, Idaho, adv., Stewart's Gem Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 1, no. 4, p. 191 |
1326 | Holley Agate, Oregon, àtranslucent lavender chalcedony, adv., Innerglo Gems, Lapidary Journal, v. 44, no. 1, p. 259. Probably the same as Holley blue Agate. |
1327 | Holley Blue Agate, Oregon, adv., Cascade Lapidary, Earth Science, v. 28, no. 3, p. 161. For village of Holley, Linn County, Oregon, generally a lavender to bluish, amygdaloidal? banded agate. See Kathan (1951), p. 40-48. These are probably the same material as the Calapooya Agates of Birdsall (1959). . See also Rodgers, 1976, p. 116-128). |
1328 | Holly Blue Agate, misspelling of Holley, see Holley Blue Agate. This spelling appeared in an adv., Milwaukie Gemstones, Lapidary Journal, v. 23, no. 11, p. 1557. |
1329 | Holly (sp.) Petrified Wood, Oregon, site recorded by Rodgers (1970, p. 392), |
1330 | Hombre Lace Agate, Mexico?, trade name, ...yellows, golds, whites, pinks, red, etc., adv., Goodnow Gems U.S.A., Rock & Gem, v. 2, no. 5, p. 5. |
1331 | Honduras Sandstone Opal, Honduras, adv. Scott's Gems & Minerals, Earth Science, v. 20, no. 6, p. 234. |
1332 | Honey Agate, Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, northeastern Kansas, light to dark, yellow to orange-brown, usually small agate nodules found in glacial tills in these states. Sometimes with eyes, sagenitic inclusions, dendrites, or other patterns. Often banded agates that may have several sources ranging from Devonian strata on west shore of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to being sun- and weather-bleached Lake Superior Agates. Often have white, clayey outer coating (kaolinite?) that sticks to tongue when licked. Term is also used to describe any agate from any location that shows the above characters. See also Cer Agate. |
1333 | Honeycomb Agate, North Carolina, a honey colored agate with inclusions that look like pieces of beeswax, probably a local name. Source of information: Ronald Fours, rocks-and-fossils news group on internet, who stated he got this information from a 65+ rockhound in the Forsyth County, North Carolina area. |
1334 | Hooded Owl Agate, Mexico, this term applies to a specific picture agate described as an Apache Agate. The earliest notice of this specimen is in an advertizement from Triangle Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 12, no. 1, p. 140 (April, 1958). The stone was reputedly sold to T. B. Williams, proprietor of Triangle Rock Shop, by Ramon Pena Munoz. It eventually became property of Gorin's Gem Art Shop, and at this writing (1996) is in possession of Mr. Brad Cross. It is one of the most outstanding picture agates ever observed. See Cross (1996, p. 59, color plate 17). |
1335 | Hope Picture Rock, no locality, no description, adv., Prof's Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 2, p.519 |
1336 | Hopping Dick Creek Thunder Eggs, Australia, local name for a thunder egg found between Mount Tamborine and Tweed River, Australia, Cadle (1972, p. 1039). |
1337 | Horse Canyon Agate, California, for Horse Canyon, 118o 2' 30" W to 118o 7' W and 32o 30' N to 32o 35' N, Kern County, California (name of topo sheet). This site was advertized as a fee locality (50 lbs. $1.00 ticket) by Horse Canyon Agate Club, Fresno, California, Lapidary Journal, v. 9, no. 6, p. 556. Blanchard (1950, p. 6) suggested this is a vein or seam agate, its host rock is andesite, and it may contain sagenitic fern-like, plume, or crystal pseudomorph inclusions. Schweitzer (1947, p. 76-80 and 1952, p. 199-200) recorded agates from this site. The name for Horse Canyon was dervied from the fact that fossil horses have been found there (Chenard, 1962, p. 106) and these remains were described by Buwalda (1916). The agates probably come from the Tank Volcanics of Quaternary Age that were described by Lawson (1906, 1916, p. 440, 441). From near Tehachapi, California, adv., Burminco (Burnham Mineral Co.) Lapidary Journal, v. 1, no. 4, p. 173. See Schweitzer (1944, p. 14-16) and Zeitner (1968, p. 1212-1226, 1230). Johnson (1971, p. 17) recorded banded, lace, plume, dendritic and other kinds of agates from this site. |
1338 | Horse Heaven Moss Agate, Washington? no description, adv., Cascade Lapidary, 61110 Hwy. 97, Bend, OR 97701, Lapidary Journal, v. 29, no. 10, p. 1864. May have been named for Horse Heaven Hills, Washington. |
1339 | Horseheaven Opalized Wood. Horse Heaven Hills, Washington, adv., Barnett's Gem Shop, The Mineralogist, v. 4, no. 6, p. 21. Kliskitat County, Washington, anon, the Mineralogist, v. 4, no. 9, p. 19. |
1340 | Horse Heaven (Hills) Petrified Wood, for Horse Heaven, south-central Washington, across from Arlington, Oregon, on U. S. Hwy, 30, Anon, 1936, The Mineralogist, v. 4, no. 8, p. 11. Dake (1958b, p. 246-247). |
1341 | Horse Mountain Agate, Tennessee, for Horse Mountain, 35o 30' 45" N and 086o 25' 12" W, Bedford County, Tennessee. A marine sedimentary agate from the Hermitage Formation of Ordovician Age, found in place and in alluvium and colluvium. Owens (1964,p. 154, 155) stated that it was clear with a bluish or smoky tinge and included yellow, amber, and carnelian, and that a good percentage showed iris. See also Owens (1980, p. 1524-1531) and carving illustrated in Hunt (1991, p. 48) |
1342 | Horse Ridge Plume Agate, Oregon, àred, pink plume agate, adv., Herbert Wm. Lawson, The Mineralogist, v. 18, no. 12, p. 581; ..., red and pink in clear agate, adv., Herbert Wm. Lawson, Lapidary Journal, v. 4, no. 6, p. 445. |
1343 | Horseshoe Lake (Black) Agate, Arizona, for Horseshoe Lake, about 111o 42' 30" W, 33o 58' 30" N, Maricopa copa County, Arizona, Horseshoe Dam Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). |
1344 | Houser Bed Geodes, California, geodes with agate shells from well-known mine in Wiley Well area, California, adv., Erwin Tonne, 517 Balboa St., Costa Mesa, California, Lapidary Journal, v. 1, no. 4, p. 220. Misspelling of Hauser Beds? |
1345 | Howardite, Nevada, locality not specific, described as a siliceous tuff infiltrated with iron bearing water, plaided, having cells of clear chalcedony. Arnold, C., The Mineralogist, v. 15, no. 1, p. 54, 56. |
1346 | Hubbard Basin Wood, Nevada, light gray-brown to brown agatized wood that is well known among petrified wood collcetors. For Hubbard Basin, 41o 41' 47" N and 114o 55' 16" W, Elko county, Nevada, Hubbard Basin Map, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. |
1347 | Hubbard Road Agate, California, the term appears in a web page The material may be the same as Acton Agates as the description at the page is similar to materials that are called Acton Agates. |
1348 | Huronian Jaspers, Huronian rocks of north shore, Lake Superior area, Minnesota, Ontario. adv., Ludwig A. Koelnau, The Mineralogist, v. 8, no. 4, p. 7, and v. 8, no. 3, p. 96. See Koelnau in bibliography; includes Curly agate, jasper, banded algal jasper. |
1349 | Hydrolite, hollow chalcedony pebbles containing liquid (cf. enhydro), see Sperisen (1938, p. 47). |
About the Agate Lexicon
The Agate Lexicon and glossary of amorphous and cryptocrystalline silica gems have been designed to be used in conjunction with the Agate Bibliography, which was compiled to be used by researchers, hobbyists, historians, lapidaries and other individuals which have an interest in these stones. Numerous localities are listed here but this does not imply that the sites are available for collectors or collecting. Many of the sites are historic, depleted, are on private property or are protected by legal leases or claims and some are now on protected sites such as parks, nature preserves, or historic areas. Wherever possible, stratigraphic details are listed, but the user must always refer back to the original citations. Map information has been derived from 7.5' x 7.5' topographic maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and latitude and longitude have been derived mostly from Geographic Names Information System of the USGS.
Authors should not cite the Agate Bibliography or Agate Lexicon as a source in their published or unpublished works but should cite only those publications listed therein.
Named varieties of agates, jaspers, etc., have created special problems for both scientific researchers and historians. We have recognized at least two different usages of names. Some names appear to have geologic / historic validity, as they were described along with the lithology / geography of a region. Some names were introduced simply as trade names to boost sales of gem dealers. In the former case, the name will be followed by appropriate literary citation as to who first used the name and in what context. In the latter case, an advertisement (abbreviated adv.) is the first published record or public notice. We have tried to find the earliest citation in either case and the user should keep in mind that older citations unknown to us may exist. Advertisements are not cited to generate business but to simply give a historic source; many of the firms appearing in the citations are indeed no longer in existence.
Cited materials are generally only from accessible sources such as professional journals, magazines, hobbyist journals, open file reports of government agencies, newspapers, etc. Bulletins issued by local clubs and societies are generally not cited with the exception of those special publications that were actually made for public distribution.
Wherever possible, imagery of one or more specimens of named agate varieties, structures, patterns, etc. are provided. Images have been provided by several sources and are not to be utilized in other pages without the consent of the image owner.