ID | Agate |
2462 | Sabkha, Arabic or Egyptian, a salt flat that is occasionally flooded and a kind of environment in which length-slow chalcedony may replace evaporite minerals. See Folk and Pittman (1971, p. 1045-1058). |
2463 | Sacramento Mountains Wood, Sacramento Mountains, San Bernardino county, California, Strong (1971, p. 65) recorded agatized palm root from this area. |
2464 | Saddle Butte Fire Agate , Arizona, this term was used by Mitchell (1989, p. 92, 93) (See Saddle Mountain Agate) |
2465 | Saddle Mountain Agate, Arizona,...carnelian, brown and white banded agate (Geitsinger, 1961, p. 316). ...Arizona, clear red and white markings, Name appears in 1954 catalogue for Gem Exchange (Gem Village), Bayfield, Colorado, p. 2. |
2466 | Saddle Mountain, (Fire) Agate, for Saddle Mountain, in approximately secs. 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, T. 1 N., R. 8 W., Maricopa County, Arizona, Saddle Mountain Quadrangle, Survey, 7.5 Series (Topographic). Zeitner (1964, p. 348)and Mitchell (1989, p. 92) refer to this site as Saddle Butte. Also, agate collecting area in Arizona (Canton, P. M., 1977, p. 812-818). |
2467 | Saddle Mountain Petrified Wood, for Saddle Mountains, Grant County, Washington. The name appears as Saddle Mountains in Geographic Names Information System. These are situated at 46o 48' 25" N and 119o 33' 24" W, Grant County, Washington, Wahatis Peak Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5', and are shown to extend to neighboring maps, which see. Dake (1944, p. 11, 22, 23; 1950, p. 60) reported that agatized and opalized wood was found in this area. Glover (1949, p. 21) stated that the Saddle Mountain area between Othello and Beverly, Washington, produced agatized wood and he used the term to describe an area rather than a specific site. See also McMackin (1977b, p. 1250-1252, and 1979b). |
2468 | Safford Fire Agate, for Safford, Arizona, approximate SE 1/4 sec. 32 and SW 1/4 sec. 33, T. 6 S., R. 29 E., Graham County, Arizona, Tollgate Tank Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), and about C, N 1/2, sec. 12 , T 7 S., R. 29 E, Graham and Greenlee Counties, Arizona, Ash Peak Quadrangle, U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Series , no. Topographic). This material is discussed by Mitchell (1989) and Zeitner (1964). |
2469 | Saganite Agate (sic.), fleches d=amour, Venus= Hair-stone, spelling used in adv., V. D. Hill, Hobbies, v. 43, no. 11, p. 107. |
2470 | Sage Agate, Mexico, no description, adv., Gems Galore, Lapidary Journal, v. 21, no. 10, p. 1286. |
2471 | Sage Agate, Nevada, ...pastel, tinted, transparent, and cameo, ...brown, ...fern-like figures, adv., Elsie Murphy, Hobbies, v. 46, no. 2, p. 114. |
2472 | Sagebrush Plume Agate, no locality, àsagenite bushes, adv., Alpine Gems, Lapidary Journal, v. 43, no. 1, p. 234. |
2473 | Sage Brush Plume Agate, Utah, red and gold, adv., Alpine Gems & Minerals, Lapidary Journal, v. 33, no. 1, p. 295. |
2474 | Sagebrush Scenic Jasper, Oregon, ...from original Biggs |
2476 | Sage Creek petrified wood, for Sage Creek, secs. 2, 1, 12, T. 13 N. R. 5 W., secs 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 14, 13, T. 13 N., $ W., sec.19, T. 13 N., R. 3 W., Mann Creek NW, 1987, Midvale Hill Hill, 1987, and Midvale, 1986, Washington County, Idaho, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series, (Topographic). Generally red petrified wood, probably the same as that found on Mann Creek, which flows about 6 miles to the west of Sage Creek. See Beckwith, 1972, p. 40, 106. See Mann Creek jasperized wood. |
2477 | Sagenita, no locality, no description, may be a mis-spelling of sagenite or may be an advertizers attempt to romanticize the term sagenite, adv., Gem Center, Lapidary Journal, v. 20, no. 11, p. 1285. |
2478 | Sagenite Hill , Oregon, Idaho, local, informal name that does not appear in Geographic Names Information System. The site has produced very fine sagenitic agates that appear to be thunder eggs or thunder egg cores. They are in deposits that are related to those that contain Graveyard Point Plume Agate. See Rodgers (1976, p. 116-128) and Zeitner (1982, p. 842-850). |
2479 | Sagenite Lace Agate, no locality, no description, adv., Astro Lapidary Co., Rocks and Minerals, v. 34, no. 7,8, p. 416 |
2480 | Sagenite Plume Agate, no locality, no description, adv., East Coast Supplies, Lapidary Journal, v. 21, no. 10, p. 1266. |
2481 | Sagenitic agate, general term, amorphous chalcedony or banded agate with randomly oriented or radiating needles of various minerals, usually zeolites. Sagenitic inclusions may also include radially arranged sprays of tabular crystals of other minerals such as barite, anhydrite, or aragonite. |
2482 | Sagenitic Jasper, Mexico, yellows, browns, and reds. Adv., Shales, Lapidary Journal, v. 15, no. 5, p. 537. |
2483 | Sagu (an agate?), Mexico, red pepper, name appearing in adv., Gem Center, U.S.A., Lapidary Journal, v. 18, no. 1, p. 131. |
2484 | Sahara Sunsert Scenic Jasper, no locality, no description, adv., Fire Mountain Gems, 11274 Ventura Drive, North Hollywood, CA 91604, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 10, p. 2142-2143. |
2485 | Saint Gertrude Moss Agate, Mexico, no description, adv., Gemarts & Rocks, Lapidary Journal, v. 16, no. 1, p. 86. |
2486 | Saint StephanÆs Stone, spelling variant of Saint Stephens stone. Xxxxx, nfi, saf |
2487 | Saint Stephens Stone, a grayish or whitish translucent chalcedony with red spots. Curio Hill, near Canon City, Colorado, [Endlich (1878); Sterrett (1909) and Pearl (1942, 1958), cited from Eckel (1961, p. 277). The term appears in several glossaries and dictionaries (e.g. Shipley, 1971, p. 176) and is used commonly to refer to a stone feature rather than locality. |
2488 | Salmon Pink Agate, Arizona?, no description, adv., Arlene Dimick, Lapidary Journal, v. 14, no. 3, p. 291. |
2489 | Salmon River Carnelian, Washington, Ransom (1955, p. 100) used this name as comparative term for carnelians found in the Turtle Mountains, California, near the Lost Arch Inn. The areas in Lewis and Clark counties that have produced carnelian agate have no Salmon River listed in Geographic Names Information System, but a Salmon Creek shows at 46o 25' 46" N and 122o 51' 49" W, Lewis County, Toledo Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5'. |
2490 | Salmon River Banded Agate, Idaho? |
2491 | Salmon River, green moss agate, local name, Probably for the Salmon River, British Columbia, see Baker, S. G., 1960. B.C. Gem Trails, The Mineralogist, v. 28, no. 4,5, p. 66, 68. |
2492 | San Carlos Agate, Mexico, banded, adv., Murphy's, Lapidary Journal, v. 12, no. 1, p. 172. See Dickerson, 1980. p. 22, 23. |
2493 | San Carlos, Idaho, plume agate, no details, adv., Felps Hillside Gem & Mineral, The Mineralogist, v. 29, no. 11,12, p. 38. |
2494 | San Carlos Red, Durango, Mexico, nodular, adv., American Producers, Mexico, Rocks and Minerals, v. 38, no. 9,10, p. 539; adv., Foster's Rock Shop, 1010 Pacific Ave., Venice, Calif., 90291, Lapidary Journal, v. 19, no. 1, p. 122. |
2495 | Sandwich Chalcedony, South Dakota, Nebraska, no description, Zeitner (1963, p. 126). Zeitner (above) suggested that this material is fluorescent and Bill Zieg of Alliance, Nebraska (personal communication, about 1963) used this term to describe outer layers of gray to black chalcedony that sandwiched a layer of fluorescent chalcedony between them. The material fluoresced red under short wave ultra violet and green under long wave. Zeitner (1964, p. 756) reported chalcedony from Nebraska that has a sandwich effect, namely a crystalline layer between two solid layers. |
2496 | Sandy Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada, site reported by McCulloch (1891, p. 161) that has produced agates from basalts of Triassic age. |
2497 | San Francisco de Ojuera, Guatemala, locality that has produced banded, carnelian, and green agate (Barbour & Barbout, 1965, p. 1242). |
2498 | San Ildefonso, Texas, locality listed by Morgan (1978, p. 1974). |
2499 | San Lorenzo Agate, New Mexico, brown to red agate or jasper with billowy patterns, for San Lorenzo Canyon, New Mexico (Murphy, 1963, p. 93, 94). There is some discrepancy in the name San Lorenzo Canyon as used by Murphy and in the location of the only San Lorenzo Canyon in New Mexico that appears in Geographic Names Information system. |
2500 | San Lorenzo Jasper (See San Lorenzo Agate). |
2501 | San Patricio Opal, San Patricio, Peru, a blue opal, aquamarine to seagreen. See Zeitner (1992, p. 52-58). |
2502 | San Rafael Agate, Utah, for San Rafael Swell?, see Simpson (1975, p. 86, 87). |
2503 | San Rafael Nodules, for San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah, (=San Rafael Swell Nodules), jasper, adv., Jim Mahlum, Lapidary Journal, v. 6, no. 6, p. 477; The Mineralogist, v. 20, no. 3, p. 112. See Anon., The Mineralogist, v. 9, no. 12, p. 382. |
2504 | San Rafael Swell Nodules, for San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah, adv., Utah Gems and Minerals, 1633 12th Street, Santa Monica, California, adv., Earth Science Digest, v. 1, no. 11, p. 24. |
2505 | Santa Gertrudas (=Saint Gertrude) moss agate, Santa Gertruda Ranch, southern Chihuahua, Mexico. See Saint Gertrude Agate. Cross (1996, p. 36) used the Spanish Spelling Santa Gertrudas and did not give a description of the material although he gave a type locality. |
2506 | Santa Maria Agate, Brazil, banded agates from near Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, (See Mattos, 1974, p. 5) |
2507 | Santa Rosa Agate, from near Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico. Small, pink and yellow amygdaloidal agates with brownish exteriors (Cross, 1996, p. 94). These probably have affinities to the agates from the Buck Hills Volcanics of Brewster County, Texas. |
2508 | Sapphire Blue Agate, no locality, no description, adv., Gem Exchange, Hobbies, v. 44, no. 1, p. 107. |
2509 | Sapphirine, descriptive term used by Bauer (1896, p. 506) for a pronounced blue chalcedony form Nerchinsk, Siberia; Transylvania and India. Shipley (1971, p. 177) uses the term for blue quartz or chalcedony |
2510 | Sapphirine, California, sky blue to deep blue chalcedony from near Kane Springs, Kern County, Sperisen (1938, p. 47). Although Sperisen stated that Kane Springs is in Kern County, the U. S. Geological Survey geographic names data base shows Kane Springs to be at 34o 44' 00" N and 116o 42 00 W, San Bernardino County. |
2511 | Sapphirine Agate, California?, no description, may refer to same material as above, and term is used in adv., W. S. Shirey, Lapidary Journal, v. 9, no. 6, p. 507. |
2512 | Saratoga Agates, no locality, no description, adv., Wiley E. Baker, The Mineralogist, v. 7, no. 4, p. 147. |
2513 | Saratoga Valley Petrified Wood, Wyoming, no description, a name used by Root (1977) for locality 11 on a map showing agate and petrified wood localities in Wyoming. The locality is north and west of the Medicine Bow Mountains in Carbon County. The name Saratoga Springs does not appear in Geographic Names Information System but the town of Saratoga and several features named Saratoga are situated in the vicinity of 41o 27' 18" N and 106o 48' 21" W, Carbon County, Saratoga Map, U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' x 7.5'. |
2514 | Sard, a descriptive term for orange brown to brownish translucent chalcedony used by Bauer (1896, p. 510) and Shipley (1971, p. 177, 178). It is usually less intensely colored than carnelian. |
2515 | Sardonyx Banded Agate, South America, no description, adv., Charles Weidinger, Lapidary Journal, v. 14, no. 1, p. 2. |
2516 | Sarduine, an artificially colored sard according to Bauer (1896, p. 510). |
2517 | Sarusa Mine, Namibia, Africa, Gotze, Plotze, Fuchs and Habermann (1999, p. 152, 153) suggested that agates from this site formed in an andesite and examined them by electron paramagnetic resonance, cathodoluminescence and trace element content. |
2518 | Sasakwa Agate, Oklahoma, banded or brecciated agatized conglomerate, adv., Pastime Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 2, p. 316. Probably named for Sasakwa, 34o 56' 55" N and 096o 31' 30" W, Seminole County, Oklahoma. |
2519 | Satsuma Plum, Utah/Colorado?, agatized dinosaur bone with purple spider webbing; color illustration in Talbot (1978, p. 1261). |
2520 | Saudna Mountain agate, local name, British Columbia, see Baker, S. G., 1960. B.C. Gem Trails, The Mineralogist, v. 28, no. 4,5, p. 66, 68. |
2521 | Savanna River Agate, Georgia, spelling used by Zeitner (1976, p. 962-970). See Savannah River Agate, below. |
2522 | Savannah River Agate, Girard, Shell Bluff County, Georgia, for Savannah River, Mayo, Rocks and Minerals, v. 54, no. 4, p. 148-150. not earliest report? adv., Aubrey Bottoms, Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 1, p. 64. Also, Zeitner (1968, p. 1218). |
2523 | Savannah River "Fairyland Agate" geodes. adv., Willscraft, Rocks and Minerals ?1963. |
2524 | Savannah River, Georgia, South Carolina, Petrified Wood localities listed by Tower (1976, p. 32, 33). |
2525 | Saxon Agate, ?Saxony, Germany, normally red Thunder Eggs from rhyolites of Permian age; ... adv., Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Oregon Mineralogist, v. 2, no. 3, p. back cover. Holzhey (1998, p. 199, 200) suggested these are thunder eggs with agates that formed in Permian (Rotliegend) ignimbritic rhyolites. |
2526 | Saxony Agate, agate/amethyst vein material, Schlottwitz, Germany, according to Harstad (1936, p. 144) who suggested that they came from several different sites which he did not name. Hintze (1915, p. 1481, 1482) listed several important agate producing sites in Saxony and these included stalactitic agate, agatized coral, chrysoprase, and probably thunder eggs. Gotze, Plotze, Fuchs and Habermann (1999, p. 152, 153) suggested that agates from this site formed as vein agates and examined them by electron paramagnetic resonance, cathodoluminescence and trace element content. |
2527 | Scarlet Carnelian, Oregon?, no details, no description, adv., Herbert Wm. Lawson, The Mineralogist, v. 16, no. 12, p. 591. This probably refers to a color grade than a location; the name Scarlet, Oregon, does not appear in Geographic Names Information System. |
2528 | Scarlet flame plume agate, Oregon, no details, adv., Herbert Wm. Lawson, The Mineralogist, v. 17, no. 11, p. 537; ...scarlet plumes in clear matrix, adv., Herbert Wm. Lawson, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, no. 6, p. 464. |
2529 | Scarlet Jasper, Utah, no description, adv., Alpine Gems & Minerals, Bountiful, Utah 80410, Lapidary Journal, v. 35, no. 1, p. 289. adv., Alpine Gems & Minerals, Lapidary Journal, v. 34, no. 1, p. 178. |
2530 | Scenic Agate, descriptive term used for agates, jaspers, flints, etc. that have patterns that resemble or suggest natural scenes such as forests, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, etc. The term is sometimes used synonymously with picture agate. |
2531 | Scenic Agate, no locality, no description, adv., Griegers, Rocks and Minerals 38, no. 9,10, p. 461. |
2532 | Scenic Bed Nodules (Priday), Oregon, no description, adv., Clarence A. Ames, Lapidary Journal, v. 1, No. 4, p. 212. |
2533 | Scenic Bed Thunder Eggs, Oregon, no description, adv., Francis E. Ames, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, no. 1, p. 37. |
2534 | Scenic Onyx Agate, Washington?, no description, adv., Consolidated Mines, Rocks and Minerals, v. 43, no. 4, p. 275. |
2535 | Scenic Opal, Nevada, no description, adv., The Gem Exchange, Lake Bluff, Illinois, The Mineralogist, v. 10, no. 10, p. 319. |
2536 | Schlottwitz, Germany, very brightly colored red and white vein agates that cross cut metamorphic terrane in Ore Mountains, Saxony. These were important gemologically in the 18th Century. They have been found associated with Lower Permian (Rotliegend) hydrothermal quartz veins. See Holzhey (1998, p. 199-224). |
2537 | Scotch Pebbles, Scotland, general descriptive term for agates and chalcedony from Scotland and term used in North America as early as 1870 (Foord, p. 66) and in Scotland as early as 1901 (Heddle, p. 53), but probably earlier. |
2538 | Scot's Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, historic site that was described as early as 1870 by Foord. McCulloch (1891) published a lengthy list of localities in this area. See also Springer (1982, p. 1330-1332, 1338). |
2539 | Scottish Pebbles, Scotland, applied to various agates from Scotland; includes Mocha Stone, Arabian Mocha. Randolph, G. C., 1934. Oregon Mineralogist, v. 2, no. 2, p. 2. Synonym of Scotch Pebbles of Foord (1870) and Heddle (1901). |
2540 | Screwballite, no locality, red, white, or yellow, a silicified kaolinite, advertized as such by Aubrey Bottoms, Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 1, p. 64. |
2541 | Scurdie Ness, Scotland, pink or rich brown agates with colored bands from historic locality in Angusshire. The name was originally listed as Scurdy Ness by Heddle (1901, p. 75) but Rodgers (1975) and Macpherson (1989) used the spelling Scurdie Ness. See also Field (1989, p. 16). |
2542 | Scurdy Ness, Forfarshire---Montrose, Scotland, historic locality from lavas of lower Old Red Sandstone of early Devonian age. Heddle (1901, p. 75): ARich brown, with colourless bands, very irregularly deposited. The brown contains much opal.@ Rodgers (1975, p. 36, 37, 42, fig. 36) described several kinds of agates from this site and Macpherson (1989, p. 19, 28, figs. 59-65) illustrated fine examples of these agates. The fine eyed agate illustrated by Heddle (1901, p. 69, fig. 21) is shown in color as Macpherson=s fig. 65. |
2543 | Scurr Hill, Fifeshire, Scotland, a locality that has produced especially fine moss agates from the lavas of the lower Old Red Sandstone of early Devonian age. The site is recorded by Rodgers (1975, p. 86) and Macpherson (1989, p. 45, figs 96, 97). |
2544 | Sea Foam Green Chert, no locality, ...200 million year old silicified skeletons of radiolaria, adv., Wilderness Originals, Rock & Gem, v. 2, no. 11, p. 69. |
2545 | Seaweed Agate, lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, adv., Dowell's, Rocks and Minerals, v. 36, no. 1,2, p. 104. ...webby green or tightly knit gold moss patterns, Zeitner (1970, p. 4, 12). |
2546 | Seftonite, no locality, ...translucent, moss green chalcedony, adv., Parser, Lapidary Journal, v. 29, no. 6, p.112. Not in Shipley, rkp. |
2547 | Select, fire agate grading term, Canton, P. M. (1977, p. 812-818) |
2548 | Semiblack Opal, Australia, adv., Australian Gem Trading Co., Lapidary Journal, v. 33, no. 12, p. 2505. |
2549 | Sepularite Rhyolite, Australia, a synonym for Rainforest Jasper and/or "Marine Agate"according to advertizement by Goodnow Gems U.S.A., Lapidary Journal, v. 27, no. 10, p. 1487. |
2550 | Serena Green Agate, Oregon, term used without description by Sams (1977, p. 72) |
2551 | Ser= Kerigan, see Sir >Kegian. |
2552 | Serra Agate, Serra do Mar, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, small, colorful nodules, see Mattos, (1974). |
2553 | Serra Stone, Brazil, term used by Shipley (1971, p. 182) that is a synonym of Serra Agate. |
2554 | Shadow Agate (scientific) an effect of waves or motion created by shadows caused by extremely clear bands of agate alternating with opaque bands as the agate is rolled about under a light source. |
2555 | Shadow agate (trade name), first applied by R. L. Taylor, Nevada Gems, Rocks and Minerals 22, no. 1, p. 75. |
2556 | Sharonite, South Africa, no description, is this an agate, rkp?, adv., Murray American Corporation, Lapidary Journal, v. 28, no. 6, p. 950. |
2557 | Shasta Valley Agate, Oregon, pure milk white to cream sprays... Browning (1961, p. 240). The name Shasta Valley is not found in the U.S. Geological Survey geographic names data base, but Shasta Gulch is listed at 44o 23' 19" N and 117o 44' 21" W, Malheur County; this is within the agate producing areas in southeastern Oregon. |
2558 | Sheen Ribbon Agate, Oregon, no description, adv., E. A. Southwick, The Mineralogist, v. 5, no. 8, p. 25. |
2559 | Sheep Agate, California, see Ferguson, 1979, p. 1012-1014. |
2560 | Sheep Creek Agate, east of Prineville, Oregon, white, opaque agate with dendrites or plumes, Ashby, 1961, p. 140. |
2561 | Sheep Springs Agate, California, no description, Chenard (1962, p. 106). Berkholz (1962, locality 8, 1971, p. 17, 18) stated that it was black moss agate in a white or blue matrix. See also Johnson (1971, p. 18)The correct spelling for the locality should probably be Sheep Spring as this is how the site name is spelled in the U. S. Geological Survey geographic names data base.Sheep Spring is situated at 35o 29' 51" N and 117o 48' 10" W, Kern County, California, Inyokern SE Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5'. |
2562 | Sheep Springs Agate/Jasper, El Paso Mountains, California, translucent agate with black tree dendrites, anon (1978, p. 1139), Lapidary Journal. |
2563 | Sheep Wash Fire Agate, Arizona, near Apache National Forest, see Dimick (1962, p. 568-573). Sheep Wash is situated at 33o 17' 06" N and 105o 29' 54" W, Greenlee County, Arizona. |
2564 | Shell Agate, descriptive for agate that contains various fossil shells. Bauer (1986, p. 512) was inclusive in his definition whereas Shipley (1971, p. 182) restricted the term to mollusk shells. |
2565 | Sherbet Agate, no locality, ...pastel colors, adv., Simi Valley Mineral Co., Lapidary Journal, v. 11, no. 3, p. 327. |
2566 | Shinarump, a name suggested by John Wesley Powell, director of the U. S. Geological Survey around 1888 to be applied to agatized wood from the Petrified Forest of Arizona. Powell suggested that this was the name used by the Native Population to describe this material according to Kunz (1887[1888], p. 581). |
2567 | Ship Mountains Opalite, Ship Mountains, San Bernardino County, California. Term used by Strong (1971, p. 66) that may be a synonym of Siam Agate which see. |
2568 | Shirley Basin Petrified Wood, Wyoming, no description, a term used by Root (1977) on a map showing agate and petrified wood localities in Wyoming. Name from Shirley Basin that extends from 42o 13' 22" N to 42o 19' 21" N and from 106o 31' 20" W to 106o 18' 30" W, Carbon County, Wyoming, The Q Ranch and Measel Spring Reservoir Maps, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. |
2569 | Siam Agate, California, no description, Similaire of California, Lapidary Journal, v. 15, no. 6, p. 682. Collected materials from this locality are yellow brown to pink, lumpy textured chalcedony with clear to light blue banded agate stringers. Siam does not appear in the U. S. Geological Survey geographic names database for California nor does it show on any topographic maps. Jenkins (1938) shows Siam as a siding on the A.T. & S. F. Railway and mapped granitic rocks of Jurassic age that are cut by basalt flows of Pleistocene age that are exposed in about secs. 33 and 34, T. 6 N., R. 15 E., and secs. 1, 2, 3, 11, and 12 of T. 5 N., R. 15 E. Bishop (1963) utilized the name Siam Siding for this site and the area was mapped in 1963 by Bishop et al, who showed Tertiary pyroclastics and continental sediment of Pliocene age in the area. Many of the agates have probably actually been recovered from alluvium Quaternary age which fills many valleys in that area. Richard Busch (Personal Communications, December,1995) stated that Siam is shown seven miles southwest of Danby, along the A.T. & S.F. railroad at the point where the road from Old Route 66 (now the National Trails Highway) to the Ship Mountains Iron Mine and the Vulcan Mine crosses the A.T. & S.F. tracks. Street Atlas USA, v. 3, shows the unnamed road from U.S. 66 to the Ship Mountains and its intersection with the railroad tracks, but does not label it as Siam. Street Atlas provides the location of this intersection as 34o 33' 09" N and 115o 25' 04" W. A map that actually shows Siam and its relationship to Danby, the railroad, and the Ship Mountains is Mineral Commodity Map III, part of Special Publications 95 (Minerals for Industry, v. III, Southern California), California Divisions of Mines and Geology, 1987, which was originally compiled by the Santa Fe Southern Pacific Railroad Corporation, 1964.Busch further communicated that Strong (1966) described the locality although the name Siam was omitted from her map. Busch also pointed out that Johnson (1962) listed Siam Crossing as a locality for chapinite agate-jasper. This is compared to Siam Siding which label often accompanies displays. Johnson (1971, p. 20) also used this term. |
2570 | Siam Siding Agate, California, See Siam Agate. |
2571 | Signal Wood, Arizona, widely distributed wood in secs. 32, 33, T. 13 N., R. 14 W., and secs. 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, T. 12 N., R. 14 W., and secs. 16, 17, 20, and 21, T. 11 N., R. 13 W., Mohave County, Arizona. Signal, Signal Mountain, Rawhide Wash, and Artillery Peak Quadrangles, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series, (Topographic). The name is derived from either the village of Signal, 34o 28' 27" N and 113o 37' 59" W, Mohave County, Arizona, Signal Quadrangle, or several features including Signal Canyon, Signal Mountain, or Signal Springs on either the Signal or Signal Mountain Quadrangle. |
2572 | Silberachat (German), tr. silver agate, an agate or jasper with silver inclusions recorded from Saxony, Germany, by Hintze (1915, p. 1482). |
2573 | Silex jasper, German jasper came from Silesia. Silex jasper was used in the Roman Days and was the finest jasper found in Europe...adv., Weidinger, Inc., Lapidary Journal, v. 15, no. 5, p. 499. |
2574 | Silver Creek Agate, Idaho, carnelian, yellow, plumes, sagenitic, adv., O. H. Long, Challis, Idaho, The Mineralogist, v. 20, no. 2, p. 91. |
2575 | Silver Plume Agate, no locality, water clear agate, adv., Sara Scott Agates, Lapidary Journal, v. 16, no. 1, p. 76. |
2576 | Silversides Agate, Utah, no description adv., Alpine Gems & Minerals, Lapidary Journal, v. 34, no. 1, p. 178. |
2577 | Sioux Falls jasper, South Dakota, Minnesota, a term used by Kunz (1885 [1886]) for fine grained quartzite facies from the Sioux Quartzite of Precambrian (Huronian) Age that is exposed in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area. |
2578 | Sir Kegian Gem Beds, California, fee area between Vasquez Rocks and Acton, described by Berkholz (1958) in Treasure Map of the Great Mojave Desert. The site produced various kinds of agates that are similar to materials described as Mint Canyon, Tick Canyon and Acton agates.The locality was situated in approximately the SW 1/4, sec. 30, T. 5 N., R. 13 W., Los Angeles County, California, Agua Dulce Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5', and the productive zones were probably in volcanics of Miocene age as mapped by Jenkins (1938). See also Johnson (1971, p. 12). |
2579 | Sitgreaves (Meadow Creek) Pass, fire agate collecting area in Arizona, Canton, P. M. (1977, p. 812-818). |
2580 | Skaggs Jasper, Oregon, a blue-green morrisonite-like jasper, Ashby, 1961, p. 40. |
2581 | Skeleton Coast Agate, Southwest Africa, Namibia, àblack or dark blue cores. See Windisch (1979, p. 18-30). |
2582 | Skeleton Plumes, a term used by R. S. Burton (1950, p. 218-221) to describe isolated plumes that have not been covered with chalcedony. |
2583 | Skiatook Wood, Oklahoma, ...gray and mahogany agatized wood of Pennsylvanian adv., Pastime Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 5, p.569. |
2584 | Skin is a term used informally first by Heddle and Thomson (1893, p.248-250) to describe the layer of green mineral that forms on the outer surface of amygdaloidal agate nodules. They suggested the mineral was not celadonite as had been published in 1879 (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh). The general formula (Fe1/4 Mg1/2 K2 1/4)3Si 6+ (Al21/3Fe22/3)Si2 + 5 H2, which corresponded to percentages of elements obtained in their chemical analysis. Heddle (1901, p. 60) suggested that the layer may consist of celadonite, chlorophanite, or delessite and was a decomposition product of augite in the host rock. |
2585 | Skin Agate, local name, northwestern Nebraska. A kind of agate that apparently formed only on the outer surface of chert nodules that are found in conglomerates of the Chamberlain Pass Formation of Oligocene age. Hannan LaGarry (personal communication, 1999) has suggested this is a secondary chalcedonic growth that is only ôskin deepö on the surface of the chert cobble. They resemble Fairburn Agates but the pattern disappears almost immediately after it is touched to a grindstone and a patternless chert is exposed below. |
2586 | Skip-an-atom agate, sub-variety of Lake Superior Agate, agates with evenly distributed, tiny air spaces throughout, giving stone a lilac cast. adv., Ludwid A. Koelnau, The Mineralogist, v. 8, no. 1, p. 22. |
2587 | Skunk Agate, Mexico?, black and white, adv., Stan's Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 12, no. 1, p. 138. Synonym of Dianoche Agate? |
2588 | Skull Springs, Oregon, locality for thunder eggs, jasper, opalized wood, recorded by Johnson (1971, p. 63). The site is probably in Malheur County, in the vicinity of Latitude: 433005N Longitude: 1175236W, Shumway Reservoir Map, U.S. Geological Survey 7.5Æ x 7.5Æ topographic. |
2589 | Slater Agate, Wyoming, àconcretionary masses covered with a white coating, àdark gray to black agate that surrounds milky agatized interiors containing small, fine agatized dendrites. See Hausel (1996, p. 49). Geographic Names Information System shows three localities in Wyoming with the name Slater. The exact locality from where these agates have been mined is currently not known. Material that is similar to the above description has been found in Platte County, Wyoming, and as tumbled pebbles and cobbles in terrace gravel of the North Platte River and its tributaries. |
2590 | Slaughter Mountain Fire Agate, for Slaughter Mountain, Graham County, Arizona?, no description, adv., Bob, Lapidary Journal, v. 45, no. 6, p. 149. |
2591 | Slickolites, striated surfaces formed at the contact between limestone and enclosed chert nodules that are thought to be caused by small-scale movement and simultaneous deformation of rocks. See Bretz (1940, 1950) and Nitecki (1962). |
2592 | Smoke and Flame Plume agate, Oregon, carnelian plumes, adv., C. G. Springer, 862 Roosevelt Avenue, Bend, Oregon, The Mineralogist, v. 15, no. 6, p. 313. |
2593 | Snake Agate, Jerome, Idaho, descriptive term? Term also used by dealers for clear color chalcedony from Malheur County, Oregon, which is more commonly called snakeskin agate. Gail (1972, p. 544) suggested the term is a corruption of Snakeskin Agate, and indicated that it was found near Dog Mountain, about 30 miles south of Burns, Oregon. Johnson (1971, p. 63) also used the term. |
2594 | Snake Lace Agate, Mexico?, no description, adv., Lapidary Journal, v. 22, no. 9, p.1217. |
2595 | Snake River Agate, Idaho, ...nodular, name appears in 1954 catalogue for Gem Exchange (Gem Village), Bayfield, Colorado, p. 4. |
2596 | Snakeskin Agate, Southeastern Oregon, structureless, colorless to light gray chalcedony with snake skin like appearance caused by shrinkage cracks on outside of usually white agate walls. Type area about 2 mi. Southeast of Oregon state rest area on Crooked Creek Branch, Owhyee River, about half way between Rome, Oregon, and junction of highways 78 and 95, Malheur County. Sinkankas. See McMullen (1975, p. 13) for illustration. Oregon, no description, adv., Cascade Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 29, no. 10, p. 1864. The porous nature of the material made it suitable for the manufacture of Fisher Stone, a laboratory manufactured dendritic material. See Fisher Stone. |
2597 | Snakeskin Agate, no locality, no description, adv., Oriental Crest, Inc., Lapidary Journal, v. 43, no. 10, p. 23. |
2598 | Snowball Agate, Mexico, no description, adv., LoMa Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 18, no. 10, p. 1132. Cross (1996, p. 94, 95) stated that these are mined near Los Medanos, Chihuahua, Mexico and they commonly have a caliche-like outer surface and can contain sagenitic inclusions. Cross also stated that they are the same material as Surprise Agate. Many of these nodules have a white, bentonitic matrix that swells somewhat when the nodules are immersed in water. This may be the source of the term Snowball, rkp. |
2599 | Snow Balls, Mexico, ...banded agate, adv., Goodnow Gems, Rock and Gem, v. 6, no. 9, p. 4., lavender, or pink, Goodnow Gems, Rock and Gem, v. 6, no. 10, p. 6. |
2600 | Snowflake Agate, Oregon, no description, McDonald Ranch, Ashwood, Oregon, Lapidary Journal, v. 25, no. 3, p. 484. |
2601 | Snowflake agate?, no details, adv., Herbert Wm. Lawson, The Mineralogist, 16, no. 12, p. 591. No locality, no description, adv., Gerald U. Greene, Lapidary Journal, v. 11, no. 1, p. 141., this may refer to Arizona material suggested by Fraser. |
2602 | Snowflake Jasper, Arizona, no description, adv., Tucson Thompson, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, no. 6, p. 471. |
2603 | Snow Mountain orbicular jasper, jasper found in northern California?, ...a fine grained material with beautiful sharp orbs. Adv., Glen Gems, Lapidary Journal, v. 14, no. 1, p. 121. Geographic Names Information System shows 11 features in Northern California with the name Snow Mountain; current data is insufficient to establish which of the above is the source. |
2604 | Snow White Agate, no locality, no description, adv., Art By God, Lapidary Journal, v. 45, no. 5, p. 76. |
2605 | Soledad Agate, Brazil, for Soledad, Rio Grande do Sul (Mattos, 1974, p. 5). |
2606 | Soledad Canyon picture jasper, California, for Soledad Canyon 34o 25' 27" N and 118o 32' 26" W, Los Angeles County, California, Newhall Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5'. The canyon extends generally eastward and opens up into a fairly wide valley near Acton. The general area includes historic collecting areas such as Mint Canyon, Acton, and the Sir >Kegian deposits. Jenkins (1938) showed volcanics of Miocene age and undifferentiated sediments of Oligocene and Miocene age, and all of these units may have produced agate and jasper. See also Acton, Agua Dulce, Ritter Ridge and Sleepy Valley USGS Maps, 7.5' x 7.5'. |
2607 | Solomoline, Michigan, ...white bands running through black agate, adv., Weidinger, Inc., Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 3, p. 339. |
2608 | Sonoma (Peach) Opal, Valley of the Moon, California, pink, yellow, peach common opal, adv., California Creative Gems & Mining Co., Lapidary Journal, v. 33, no. 1, p. 105. |
2609 | Sonoma Creek Petrified Wood, Sonoma Creek, California?, Ferguson (1981, p. 1216-1224). |
2610 | Sonora Agate, Mexico, no description adv., Rocky Mountain Minerals, Ent., Ltd., Lapidary Journal, v. 33, no. 4, p. 929. |
2611 | Sonora Pass Agate, California, for Sonora Pass, on California State Highway 108, near juncture of Tuolumne, Alpine, and Mono counties, about 119o 37' 30" W and 38o 20' N, in T. 6 N., R. 21 E, Sonora Pass Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 minute series (Topographic). Generally brecciated and/or banded agate. Perry, 1961, p. 28, 29. |
2612 | Sonora Sunset Agate, northern Sonora, Mexico, term first applied by Cross (1996, p. 95) for nodular red, orange, and yellow agates. It may have affinities with Agua Prieta or Espina Agates. |
2613 | Sopris Jasper, Colorado, first called Mount Sopris Jasper, which see. adv., Nonnemann's, Lapidary Journal, v. 4, no. 3, p. 201. |
2614 | Souris Agate, for Souris, Manitoba, Canada, from a locality about 50 miles northwest of the International Peace Gardens, on Highway No. 2, ...a Montana type agate with various colors, dendrite, and scenes. Ormerod (1964, p. 704) reported that these were derived from glacial sources; they are generally pastel colors and may have moss or dendrites. ...clear to bluish agate with black patterns, dendrites, fortifications, cf. Montana Agate. See Hotson (1972, p. 1044-1048). Adv., Souris Rock & Agate, Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 1, p. 149. ...from red to green with bands, tree patterns, etc., various colored jaspers, dendrites...adv., Souris Rock & Agate, Lapidary Journal, v. 18, no. 1, p. 130. |
2615 | South African Poppy Jasper, South Africa, see Poppy Jasper. |
2616 | South Dakota Crazy Lace Agate, South Dakota, term used by Hunter (1979, p. 1410-1415) for material that is normally called Prairie Agate. He also used the term South Dakota Nodules for what is probably called prairie agate. |
2617 | South Dakota Jaspers, South Dakota, no description, adv., Black Hills Saddlery, Lapidary Journal, v. 5, no. 3, p. 239. Synonym of Prairie Agate? |
2618 | South Dakota Nodules,South Dakota (see South Dakota Crazy Lace Agate). |
2619 | South Dakota Pebbles, South Dakota, ...tan, red, black, and white material, probably a synonym of Prairie Agate or Bubble Gum Agate. See Mansell, (1972, p. 891). |
2620 | South Dakota Thunder Eggs, a misnomer for chert and sometimes agate nodules that formed in limestones of Pennsylvanian age in the Black Hills area. See Zeitner, 1961, p. 110. |
2621 | South Dakota Thundereggs, South Dakota?, no description, adv., Don L. Wenzel, Lapidary Journal, v. 14, no. 3, p. 290. |
2622 | Southern Cross, Western Australia, jasper locality recorded by Saint-Smith and Farquharson (1913, p. 140, 141). |
2623 | Southern Oregon Desert Agate (=COPCO?), Oregon, no description, adv., Swenson's Agate Shop, The Mineralogist, v. 7, no. 9, p. 343 See COPCO |
2624 | Southern Oregon Moss Agate, (=COPCO?), Oregon, adv., Southern Oregon Mineral Exchange, The Mineralogist, v. 5, no. 2, p. 21. See COPCO. |
2625 | South of Heads of Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, historic site recorded by Heddle (1901, p. 76); the agates are reported to come from beach deposits and Macpherson (1989, p. 19, 48, figs. 104, 105) illustrated two examples of scenic/onyx agate. |
2626 | South Texas Agate, Texas, colorful, variegated, adv., J. W. Smith, Lapidary Journal, v. 5, no. 1, p. 76. Probably same as Rio Grande Agate, rkp. |
2627 | South Texas Agate , Texas, no description, (?synonym Rio Grande Agate), adv., The Agate Shop, Rocks and Minerals, v. 38, no. 5,6, p. 321. |
2628 | South Texas Jasper, Texas, colorful, variegated, adv., J. W. Smith, Lapidary Journal, v. 5, no. 1, p. 76. Probably same as Rio Grande Agate, rkp. |
2629 | South West Africa Blue Lace Agate, Southwest Africa, ...dark blue, free of quartz, adv., Goodnow Gems U.S.A., Lapidary Journal, v. 28, no. 12, p. 1807. |
2630 | Sow Belly agate, Colorado, purple and white agate with amethyst crystal tips (Towner, 1969, p. 1286-1291). |
2631 | Sowbelly Agate, Colorado, no details, Alamosa Gems & Minerals, The Mineralogist, v. 27, no. 12,1, p. 267. For Sowbelly Canyon, 37o 03' 02" N and 108o 20' 51" W, Mesa County, Colorado, Good Point Map, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. ...a name locally applied to agate with brown to purplish brown and white, alternating 1/4 inch layers that resemble fresh pork and has lightly purple, blue or brown or amethyst with galena or silver inclusions (Trout, 1974, p. 798-802). |
2632 | Spanish Olive Agate, Washington, red to violet agate from near Floy Wash, 39o 01' 32" N and 109o 50" 28" W, Grand County, Utah, Floy Canyon South Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5', recorded by Hunter (1976, p. 1084-1089). |
2633 | Spanish Point Agate, Wyoming, for Spanish Point Agate Mine, 44o 26' 23" N and 107o 28' 04" W, Big Horn County, Wyoming, Spanish Point Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5'. Sunburts and dendritic agate, probably forming in marine sedimentary units of late Paleozoic. See Greene (1968, p. 330-336). ....plume agate from the Big Horn Mountains, about 40 miles south of Greybull (Zeitner, 1963, p. 130). |
2634 | Spanish Trail Moss Agate, no locality, no description, adv., Aspen Lapidary, Denver, Colo. 80201, Rock & Gem, v. 2, no. 7, p. 43. |
2635 | Spavinaw Chert, Oklahoma, ...gray, white, red, brown, orange, yellow, or black chert, named for Spavinaw Dam, 36o 22' 59" N and 095o 02' 51W, Mayes County, Oklahoma, Spavinaw Map, USGS 7.5' x 7.5'. (Murphy, 1963, p. 114). |
2636 | Spencer's Bridge Agate, British Columbia, Canada, see Leaming (1973) reference and Geological Survey of Canada maps 886a and 888a. Agates are probably from volcanic rocks of Cretaceous age. |
2637 | Sperry Wash, California, Inyo County, near Death Valley? Locality for petrified wood and sub-tropical plants that was recorded by Strong (1971, p. 29). Johnson (1971, p. 19) recorded red and yellow agate from this site. Agatized wood locality listed by Strong (1978, p. 55-56); the name does not appear in Geographic Names Information System |
2638 | Sphaereolite---like California Poppies. An early term for or a predecessor to Poppy Jasper, used in adv., Paul Walker, Hobbies, v. 39, no. 11, p. 19. Also, a variant or mis-spelling of spherulite. |
2639 | Spherulitic Agate, South Dakota, ...similar to oolitic agate but inclusions are larger than 1/8 inch, which Zeitner (1964, p. 350) was maximum diameter of oolites in oolitic agate. Oolites are defined as being 2 mm or less in diameter whereas pisolites are larger than 2 mm. One eight inch = 3.17 mm, so spherulitic agate is made up of pisolites. In agate studies, spherulitic and spherulite refer to a kind of crystallization rather than a geometry of particle shape; hence, the term spherulitic agate should be used only to describe material with spheres made up of radiating crystals. |
2640 | Spherulitic jasper, Glover (1949, p. 8, 9) used the term to describe material from Washington that had spherulites ranging from 2 to 4 mm in diameter. Glover suggested that these were not oolites (sic.) as a radiating structure was apparent when they were viewed in thin section in crossed polarizers. Glover compared the Washington material to material from the San Francisco Bay, California, area. |
2641 | Spider web jasper, no locality, pink, pastel, with deep red webs, adv., Riviera Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 31, no. 9, p. 2013; à..light green with brown webbing, adv., Southwest Rock & Gem, Lapidary Journal, v. 44, no. 11, p. 142. |
2642 | Spike Amygdule, term originated by Cohen (1876, p. 113) to describe chalcedony filled, nearly vertical structures in some basalts. The structures were thought to have formed by vertical tubes being formed when lavas flowed over a muddy sea or lake bed and escaping steam rose upward. The tubes so formed subsequently filled with chalcedony. These are also referred to as Pipe AAmygdales@ by Walker and Parsons (1922). |
2643 | Spotted Agate, also, ASt. Stephens Stone@, a gray chalcedony with red spots Bauer (1896, p. 506). See St. Stephens Stone. |
2644 | Spring Agates, no locality, no description, adv., Southern Oregon Mineral Exchange, The Mineralogist, v. 5, no. 5, p. 35. |
2645 | Springer Plume agate, Oregon, (Probably = Priday Plume, or other central Oregon Plume agate), known as Springer Plume. Adv., Chet & Marge Springer, Lapidary Journal, v. 7, no. 1, p. 73; The Mineralogist, v. 21, no. 9, p. 330. |
2646 | Spring Mountain Jasper, Oregon, brown, yellow-brown, blue, green, scenic, color illustration, probably for Spring Mountain, 43o 11' 05" N and 117o 07' 33" W, Malheur County, Oregon, Mahogany Gap, Hooker Creek, and Sheaville Maps, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. ...adv., Picture Jasper Outlet, Lapidary Journal, v. 33, no. 6, p. 1305 |
2647 | Squaw Butte Opal, 5 miles East of Emmett, Gem County, Idaho, Carpenter, J. T., 1936. The Mineralogist, v. 4, no. 1. p. 15, 15, 54. |
2648 | Squig Agate, New Mexico?, no description, adv., Doc's Rock Box, Lapidary Journal, v. 20, no. 1, p. 229. See also pink squig agate. Cab-n-Facet, Lapidary Journal, v. 21, no. 8, p. 979. |
2649 | Squire Ranch Jasper, no locality, red, brecciated jasper, name seen in internet correspondence from, 08/19/99. |
2650 | Stalk Aggregates, when properly oriented, these resemble stalagmites in caves; they grow in the direction opposite the flow of particles through a solution. That is to say, the aggregates are oriented upward, although they appear to be stalactitic. Stalk aggregates (Lebedev, 1956) form when a material of lower density rises upward through a viscous gelatinous medium of a greater density. Their axes have parallel orientation and they may deform overlying bands of the agate. See also illustration in Pabian and Zarins (1994, p. 22). |
2651 | Star Agate, descriptive, agate with stellate figures; e.g., crinoid stems, corals, etc., see Bauer (1896, p. 512). |
2652 | Star Agate, Utah?, ...fluorescent, adv., Hubert's Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 4, no. 5, p. 401. |
2653 | Starburst Agate, Mexico, ...tiny stars in pinkish tan background, adv., M. Nowotny & Co., Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 12, p. 2608. |
2654 | Starburst jasper, Mexico, no description, adv., Goodnow's Gems U.S.A., Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 12, p.2582. |
2655 | Star Burst Agate, spelling variant?, see above. |
2656 | Starry Night Jasper, no locality, no description, trade name, adv., Krismark, Lapidary Journal, v. 40, no. 2, p. 86. |
2657 | State Line Hill, local name give to agate collecting area on the Idaho-Oregon line, just east of U. S. Highway 95, in the approximate N 1/2, sec. 14, T. 2 S., R. 6 W., Owyhee County, Idaho. Rockville Quadrangle, Oregon-Idaho, 1967, and Sheaville Quadrangle, Oregon-Idaho, 1969, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). |
2658 | State Park Agate, for Custer? State Park, South Dakota. Zeitner, J. C., 1957. The Fairburn Agate, Earth Science, v. 10, no. 1, p. 11-13. |
2659 | St. Cyrus Agate, Kincardinshire, Scotland, onyx and eye agates, interbedded trap [andesite] of Old Red, fine colors in elongated forms Heddle (1901, p. 75). Rodgers (1975, p. 86) recorded fortification, flame, and onyx agates from the site, and Macpherson (1989, p. 19, 30, 31) illustrated an elongated agate in matrix from here. A fine example appeared on the poster publicizing the Scottish Mineral and Lapidary Club=s Agate Symposium, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, April 24, 1982. |
2660 | Steen Mountain, Oregon, thunder egg locality listed by Dake (1950?) and as Steens Mountain by Shaub (1979a, p. 2340-2354). The name Steen Mountain does not appear in Geographic Names Information System. This may be a spelling variant on Stein below? |
2661 | Stefoinite, Wyoming, ànamed for Lady Stefoin, tan, brown, white, brecciated, adv., Gem Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 43, no. 9, p. 126. May or may not be an agate or jasper; the name does not appear is any gemological glossary at hand, rkp, 6/2/99. |
2662 | Stein's Pillar, Oregon, thunder eggs, for Stein's Pillar, 44o 24' 41" N and 120o 37' 07" W, Crook County, see Rodgers (1970 , p. 1246-1251). Zeitner (1979, p. 1260-1272). |
2663 | Stephens Ranch, California, source for agatized wood, southwest of Susanville according to Johnson (1971, p. 49). The site may also be called Willard Creek? |
2664 | Stereo Agate, Mexico, Laguna type nodules with bands and fortification coming in yellows, reds, pinks, whites, browns, oranges, etc., adv., Jeweltrain, Lapidary Journal, v. 15, no. 1, p. 119.This is probably a synonym of High Fidelity Agate, a name that might have been a registered trade name, hence, the invention of a new name with similar meaning. |
2665 | Sternachat (German), star agate, see Hintze (1915, p. 1472). A thunder egg? |
2666 | Sternformigen Achate, German, literally, a star-shaped agate, a thunder egg? Name used by Rykart (1995, p. 33-36) |
2667 | Stevenson Mountain Agate Nodules, Oregon, NFI, advertisement, The Kellers, 138 Hawthorne, Bend, Oregon, The Mineralogist, v. 20, no. 4, p. 172. The name Stevenson Mountain does not appear in the Geographic Names Information System. |
2668 | Stinkingwater (=Stinking Water) Plume Agate, a transparent seam or vein agate with white plumes, probably named for Stinkingwater Mountain, Creek or Reservoir, the latter of which is at 43o 38' 12" N and 118o 26' 18" W, Harney County, Oregon, Bartlett Mountain Map, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. See Site 37, Oregon Agate and Mineralogical Society Map, 1971. See also Johnson (1971, p. 62, 63) and Rodgers (1976, p. 116-128). |
2669 | Stinkingwater Petrified Wood, Oregon, mostly golden oak, adv., Prof's Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 4, p. 891. Mitchell (1989, p. 64, 65) listed a large site near Juntura, Oregon. See Rodgers (1976, p. 116-128). |
2670 | Stirling Brook Carnelian, New Jersey. Local name, probably for streams in the area of Stirling, Morris County, New Jersey. The name Stirling Brook does not appear on the U. S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic map (Chatham Quadrangle) that includes the populated place of Stirling. These are amygdaloidal agates that formed in basalt sills of the Watchung Series of Triassic age that are now exposed in the Watchung Mountains of north central New Jersey. These agates have been eroded from their host rock and have been found in gravel in stream deposits. See Zodac (1950, p. 481-483) and Sinkankas (1959, p. 328, 329). |
2671 | St. John Jasper, Arizona, for St. John=s Arizona, site listed in McMackin (1976c, p. 1480-1487, 1977c, p. 1728- 738; 1981a, p. 1232-1238). |
2672 | St. John Jasper, Utah, red, pink, white, and black, variegated jasper, found near St. George, Utah. Don Wicks, pers. comm., 1985. |
2673 | St. John's (Flower) Agate, for St. John's, Arizona, white or blue agate with dendritic, plume, or flower-like patterns. Probably from secs. 2, 3, T. 13 N., R. 29 E., Apache County, Arizona, St. Johns North and Kearn Lake Quadrangles, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). See Simpson and Mithcell, 1989. See also Trout (1976, p. 2266-2270, 2282) for color illustrations; McMackin (1981, p. 1232-1238). |
2674 | St. Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, site described by McCulloch (1891, p. 160-161) that has produced agates from trap rock of Triassic age. |
2675 | Stockton Agate, California, no description, term used by Anon., (1978, p. 772-773). |
2676 | Stone Canyon breccia jasper ( =Stone Canyon jasper). |
2677 | Stone Canyon Jasper, California, adv., Gold-n-Blue Rocks & Minerals, Rocks and Minerals, v. 38, no. 3,4, p. 209. E. of Hwy. 101 at San Miguel, CA. (See also Breccia Jasper from Stone Canyon). Famous brecciated yellow, tan, or brown angular pieces cemented by contrasting, clear chalcedony of white, blue, purple, or black. Name derived from Stone Canyon, 36o 00' 43" N and 120o 34' 52" W, Monterey County, California, Smith Mountain Quadrangle, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). Sperisen, 1938, p. 49). Bell (1939) stated that it formed in veins that were about 3 inches thick. The material was listed by Symons (1940, p. 39-44) who suggested it came from the Franciscan and Monterey Formations. Rowe (1956, p. 44) suggested that it was found in sediments of the Franciscan Series? of Jurassic Age and was a brecciated, yellow, white, yellow-red, or reddish-brown material. Synonyms: Breccia Jasper from Stone Canyon, Stone Canyon Breccia Jasper. Johnson (1966, p. 30) also listed this site. |
2678 | Stone Eggs, locality, studded with opal, these may be rhyolite with small opal inclusions. ... adv., M. Nowotny & Co., Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 12, p. 2608. |
2679 | Stonewall Flat, Nye County, Nevada, agatized wood site recorded by Strong (1973, p. 10-12). Appears to be the same material as Stonewall pass which name was first used. |
2680 | Stonewall Pass, Nye County, Nevada, agatized wood site recorded by Strong (1968, p. 30 and 1978, p. 46-49). |
2681 | Stony Creek Jasper, California, a jasp-agate recorded by Johnson (1971, p. 48) from about 10 miles north of Elk Creek, Glenn County, California. |
2682 | Stonyford Agate/Jasper, Colusa County, California, for Stonyford, site for agate and jasper found near East Park Reservoir, Colusa and Glenn Counties, California, that was recorded by Johnson (1971, p. 44) |
2683 | Storm Jasper, Panama, no description, adv., Cab-n-Facet, Lapidary Journal, v. 21, no. 8, p. 979. |
2684 | Straw Agate, Scot's Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, color illustration in Springer (1982, p. 1330-2332, 1338). |
2685 | Straw Beds, in Wiley Well District, Imperial County, California, site recorded by Berkholz (1962), Johnson (1971, p. 6). Strong (1971, p. 74, 75) recorded bluer and black nodular agate from this area. |
2686 | Straw Flame Agate, Texas, no description, adv., Robert Tesmer, Lapidary Journal, v. 1, no. 2, p. 84. |
2687 | Straw Sagenite Agate, no locality, no description, adv., Aspen Lapidary, Rock & Gem, v. 3, no. 3, p. 85. Lapidary Journal, v. 23, no. 2, p. 335. |
2688 | Strike of Fire Agate, Mexico, ...Beautiful iridescent fire in many colors..., adv., Goodnow Gems. U.S.A., Rock & Gem, v. 2, no. 4, p. 23. |
2689 | Stringy Moss Agate, no locality, no description?, adv., House of Hobbies, Lapidary Journal, v. 1, no. 2. |
2690 | Striped Algae, no locality, no description, adv., Tynsky's, Rocks and Minerals, v. 44, no. 6, p. 478 |
2691 | Striped Chalcedony, a term used informally by Bauer (1896, p. 505) for onyx, although the term is not included in descriptive terms for agates (p. 511-515). |
2692 | Striped jasper, no locality, a term used by Phillips (1844, p. 12, 13) to describe jasper with green, yellow, and red parallel strips of equal width in best grades. He suggested tha similar material also came from Saxony in Germany and Devonshire in England. |
2693 | Succor Creek, Idaho, Oregon, a creek flowing through Townships 2, 3 S., Ranges 5, 6 W., Owyhee County, Idaho, into Townships 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23 N., Ranges, 46, 47 East, Malheur County, Oregon, and back into Owyhee County, Idaho, at T. 3 N., R. 5 W., R. 6 W. See Rooster Comb Peak, 1990, Captain Butte, 1990, Homedale, Owyhee County, Idaho, Quadrangles, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic) and Sheaville, 1969, Rockville, 1969, Pole Creek Top, 1967, and Graveyard Point, 1967, Quadrangles, Oregon-Idaho, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). Note that Succor Creek is spelled Sucker Creek on the Holmdale, Idaho, Quadrangle. See Rodgers (1969, p. 324-328; 1976, p. 116-128). |
2694 | Succor Creek Agate, Idaho, no description, adv., Christie Conway,, The Mineralogist, v. 17, no. 10, p. 473. |
2695 | Succor Creek Desert Scenes, Idaho/Oregon, no description, adv., Prof's Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 4, p. 891. This material is similar to Succor Creek Picture Rock, except it usually lacks the blue sky and has only the browns and tans. |
2696 | Succor Creek Jasper (plasma?), Idaho, for Succor Creek, near Nampa, Idaho. Carpenter, J. T., 1936. Idaho - the Gem State. The Mineralogist, v. 4, no. 1, p. 15, 16, 54. |
2697 | Succor Creek Picture Rock, Oregon, Idaho, generally a tan, brown, and blue material with desert or seaside scenes. From Owyhee area, Oregon, Idaho. Listed as being from Washington on cover of June, 1975, Lapidary Journal. See Winter (1975, p. 572-576). This material is illustrated in color in an advertizement by Walla Walla College Equipment Fund, (Lapidary Journal, v. 28, no. 8, p. 1225) and is said to be from Oregon. The text of the advertizement suggests this material is also called Queenstone or Owyhee Picture Jasper. |
2698 | Succor Creek Thunder Eggs, Idaho, Oregon?, no details, adv., Layj-Art Gem Shop, 2620 Stuart St., Boise, Idaho, SeeRieman (1971, p.1328-1335), illustrations? |
2699 | Sucker Creek (=Succor Creek). Geographic Names Information System uses the spelling Succor Creek for the agate producing areas in Owyhee County, Idaho and adjoining areas in Oregon. The spelling (Sucker Creek) was used by Dake (1943, p. 339, 340) and Hanson (1956, p. 58-61). |
2700 | Sucker Creek Thundereggs, Oregon?, Idaho?, no description, adv., Art's Agate Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 14, no. 3, p. 290. See Succor Creek. |
2701 | Sueco Agate Nodules, for Sueco (Swedish) Ranch, Chihuahua, Mexico, ...small tumbling nodules, adv., LoMa Lapidary, Lapidary Journal, v. 16, no. 10, p. 955. Miller and Olson (1966a) reported these agates and Cross (1996, p. 56) suggested that these were similar to, if not identical to, Gallegos Agates, but he thought they were somewhat more transparent. He listed the type locality of Sueco Agates as 29o 54' 25" N and 106o 21' 38" W, at the north end of the Sierral Del Gallego Mountains. |
2702 | Sugar Nodules, Oregon, no description, adv., Ames Agate Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, no. 6, p. 466; The Mineralogist, v. 18, no. 2, p. 81. |
2703 | Summerville Agate, Georgia, no description, adv., Aubrey Bottoms, Lapidary Journal, v. 17, no. 1, p. 64. Probably named for Summerville, 34o 28' 50"N and 085o 20' 52" W Chattooga County, Georgia. See also Hudson (1982, p. 158-165). |
2704 | Sump, the, Nevada, jasp-agate and agatized wood locality in the Esmeralda formation of Miocene age listed by Strong (1971, p. 6, 1978, p. 46-49). The name Sump does not appear in Geographic Names Information System. |
2705 | Sunburst Agate, Linn County, Oregon, ...sagenitic, white to pigeon blood red, adv., Oregon Discoveries, Lapidary Journal, v. 2, no. 1, p. 41. This describes a sagenitic agate that should not be confused with the term sunburst as it is applied to especially Montana Agates where it is a radially arranged spray of mostly manganese oxides and has been referred to by Pabian (1994, p. 24) as a ballistic aggregate. |
2706 | Sunburst Lace Agate, Mexico, no description, adv., Goodnow Gems, Rocks and Minerals, v. 46, no. 1, p. 37; Rock & Gem, v. 2, no. 3, p. 22. Lapidary Journal, v. 24, no. 11, p. 1433. ...pastel pink and yellow, adv., Goodnow's Gems U.S.A., Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 12, p.2582. |
2707 | Sundial Butte, Utah, agate locality listed by Eveleth (1981, p. 960-962). The site is not listed in U.S. Geological Survey list of geographical names. GNIS |
2708 | Sunglow Agate, Illinois, no description, Fraser and Fraser (1988, p. 76) suggested this material was from Hamilton County, whereas Zeitner (1978, p. 2101) suggested it was from Adams County. |
2709 | Sunflower Flat Agate, red and yellow jasp-agates, The site was recorded as early as 1940 by Dake and was listed as late as 1971 in the Oregon Agate and Mineralogical Society Map of Oregon Gem Localities. Sunflower flat is situated at 45o 04' 29" N and 121o 24' 08" W, Wasco County, Oregon, Foreman Point Map, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. The site is inside the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. See also Rodgers (1976, p. 116-128). |
2710 | Sunnyside Bog, Oregon?, no description, adv., Prof's Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 4, p. 891. |
2711 | Sunnyside Wood, Oregon, no description, adv., Equipment Fund, Walla Walla College, Lapidary Journal, v. 28, no. 8, p. 1224. ...most cypress, adv., Prof's Rock Shop, WA 99324, Lapidary Journal, v. 32, no. 4, p. 891. |
2712 | Sunrise Agate, Mexico, red, yellow, blue, white, banded, this is the same material as was marketed by Weidinger Inc. in Lapidary Journal, v. 24, no. 4, p. 537. |
2713 | Sunrise Lace Agate, Mexico?, no description, adv., Artrox, Lapidary Journal, v.22, no. 9, p. 1217. ...reds, yellows, blues, and whites, adv., Weidinger Inc., Lapidary Journal, v. 24, no. 3, p. 417. This same material is advertized as Sunrise Agate in Lapidary Journal, v. 24, no. 4, p.537. |
2714 | Sunset Agate, no locality, no description, adv., R. Burton, Lapidary Journal, v. 1, no. 3, p. 125. |
2715 | Sunset Agate, central Oregon, white, unbanded material with brown lines and yellow splotches. This material is probably best described as sunflower jasper. See McMullen (1975, p. 15); Hall (1975, p. 8-11). |
2716 | Sunset Agate, Colorado?, no description, adv., Robert S. Burton, Lapidary Journal, v. 2, no. 3, p. 194. |
2717 | Sunset Agate, Montana, ...swirls and bands, adv., Brooks Hobby Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 3, no. 2, p. 157. |
2718 | Sunset jasper, central Oregon, usually called Sunflower Agate. |
2719 | Superior Agates (=Lake Superior Agates), Zeitner, J. C., 1960. Rare gems of the Midwest, Earth Science, v. 13, no. 2, p. 58-62. Synonym of Lake Superior Agate. |
2720 | Superstition Agate, Arizona, no description, adv., Beautycraft Sales Co., Lapidary Journal, v. 19, no. 2, p. 292. |
2721 | Surprise Agate (See also Mexican Surprise Agate), Chihuahua, Mexico, Zeitner (1967, p. 1412) described them as thin agates shells of pink, yellow-orange, licac, blue, and red with quartz crystals and other minerals. Zeitner also used the term interchangeably with Surprise Geode, and Cross (1996, p. 94, 95) treats these as synonyms of Snowball Agate. |
2722 | Surprise Geode (see Surprise Agate). |
2723 | Surprise Nodules, Mexico, no description, adv., Al Arnold, Rocks and Minerals, v. 52, no. 6, p. 262. |
2724 | Suwannee River Agatized Coral, Florida, Georgia, generally solid, black, white, or blue-gray, or golden yellow..., adv., Compass, Incorporated, Lapidary Journal, v. 19, no. 1, p. 138. Olsen, L. E., 1965 or 1972 Lapidary Journal, suggested these were pseudomorph after the coral, Siderastrea sp. cf. S. siderea (Author? of species) and may have barnacle borings. The agate is usually yellow, blue, gray, or white and is solid, compared with Tampa Bay Coral which is usually hollow. Often seen labeled as Suwanee River Agate. |
2725 | Swanson's Ranch Agate, Oregon, red, gold, and light blue agate, for Swanson=s Ranch, near Willowdale, Oregon, area. See AHunter Joe@ (1975, p. 1758-1762). |
2726 | Swartz Canyon Wood, Oregon, for Swartz Canyon that extends from 44o 09' 26" to 44o 10' 48" N and 120o 52' 03" W to 120o 54' 15" W, Crook County, Oregon, Stearns Butte and Powell Buttes maps, U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5' x 7.5'. description?, adv., The Elkins, Lapidary Journal, v. 15, no. 1, p. 147. See Rodgers (1976, p. 116-128). |
2727 | Swasi Agate, Africa, probably a mis-spelling of Swazi Agate, see below, adv., Aleta's Rock Shop, Lapidary Journal, v. 26, no. 12, p. 1723. |
2728 | Swazi Agate, Swaziland, South Africa, no description, adv., Aleta's Rock Shop, Rock & Gem, v. 7, no. 8, p. 87; Lapidary Journal, v. 29, no. 10, p. 1885. |
2729 | Sweethome Blue Agate, for Sweethome, Linn County, Oregon, adv., Herbert Wm. Lawson, The Mineralogist, v. 28, no. 2, 3, p. 46. Ashby (1962, p. 148) suggested this was the same material as Calapooya Purple Agate and these are probably equivalent to Holley Blue Agate. |
2730 | Sweetwater Agate, for Sweetwater County or Sweetwater River, Wyoming. Gray to dark blue-gray agates that are usually small and have dendrites of manganese oxide. Many of these agates fluoresce green or yellow-green under either long or short wave ultra-violet light. See Dake (1929, p. 472-473) and Hausel (1986, p. 47). Love (1970, p. 75) stated that Sweetwater agates formed in cavities in a conglomerate in the lower porous sandstone sequence of the Split Rock Formation of Miocene Age. He reported these agates were up to 4 inches in diameter, have a brown, opaque "bark" until tumbled or wind abraded, and have black manganese dendrites. They are radioactive and fluoresce brilliant yellow; this may be due to the presence of trogerite [(UO2)As2O3:12H20]. Love further stated that they formed in cavities after the conglomerate was deposited but before deposition of younger rocks in the Split Rock Sequence. See also Ellermeier (1936b, P. 172, 173)....moss-like rosettes, adv., V. D. Hill, Hobbies, v. 43, no. 11, p. 107; Veteran's Gem Shop, Lapidary Journal, v.2, no. 4, p. 255 (L.J.Kraft); Minerals & Gems, Rocks and Minerals, v. 34, no.1,2, p. 56. |
2731 | Sweetwater Dendiritic Agate, see above. |
2732 | Sweet Water Coral, (a chaetetid?), Zeitner, J. C., 1957. The Fairburn Agate, Earth Science, v. 10, no. 1, p. 11-13. |
2733 | Swirl Agate, Mexico, no description, adv., Cab-n-Facet, Lapidary Journal, v. 21, no. 8, p. 979. |
2734 | Swiss Lapis, no locality,...a red jasper with a bluish tint (Firsoff, 1972, p. 1448). |
About the Agate Lexicon
The Agate Lexicon and glossary of amorphous and cryptocrystalline silica gems have been designed to be used in conjunction with the Agate Bibliography, which was compiled to be used by researchers, hobbyists, historians, lapidaries and other individuals which have an interest in these stones. Numerous localities are listed here but this does not imply that the sites are available for collectors or collecting. Many of the sites are historic, depleted, are on private property or are protected by legal leases or claims and some are now on protected sites such as parks, nature preserves, or historic areas. Wherever possible, stratigraphic details are listed, but the user must always refer back to the original citations. Map information has been derived from 7.5' x 7.5' topographic maps issued by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and latitude and longitude have been derived mostly from Geographic Names Information System of the USGS.
Authors should not cite the Agate Bibliography or Agate Lexicon as a source in their published or unpublished works but should cite only those publications listed therein.
Named varieties of agates, jaspers, etc., have created special problems for both scientific researchers and historians. We have recognized at least two different usages of names. Some names appear to have geologic / historic validity, as they were described along with the lithology / geography of a region. Some names were introduced simply as trade names to boost sales of gem dealers. In the former case, the name will be followed by appropriate literary citation as to who first used the name and in what context. In the latter case, an advertisement (abbreviated adv.) is the first published record or public notice. We have tried to find the earliest citation in either case and the user should keep in mind that older citations unknown to us may exist. Advertisements are not cited to generate business but to simply give a historic source; many of the firms appearing in the citations are indeed no longer in existence.
Cited materials are generally only from accessible sources such as professional journals, magazines, hobbyist journals, open file reports of government agencies, newspapers, etc. Bulletins issued by local clubs and societies are generally not cited with the exception of those special publications that were actually made for public distribution.
Wherever possible, imagery of one or more specimens of named agate varieties, structures, patterns, etc. are provided. Images have been provided by several sources and are not to be utilized in other pages without the consent of the image owner.