People & Environment Extension > Education

  • SNR Extension: People & Environment


  • SNR Extension: People & Environment



Environmental education (EE) seeks to inform and inspire people about nature and environmental issues. EE occurs in both formal education or classrooms and non-formal education such as after school programs, events, nature centers and museums.

In the School of Natural Resources, we teach two environmental education courses: NRES 322 "Environmental Education Curricula" and NRES 434/834 "Environmental Education and Interpretation."

SNR also teaches informal environmental education through the classes mentioned above as well as events, workshops and programs. Our programs include:

If you would like help developing a program, workshop, exhibit, curriculum, event, master plans, teacher program, signage, brochures, flyers, or even a center, please contact Lisa Pennisi .


Selected Publications

Pennisi, L. & Major, A.L. (2011). How to create an effective brouchure. NebGuide, Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska.

Pennisi, L., & Winder, A. (2011). Effective Graphic Design. NebGuide, Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska.