Southern Flying Squirrel Project - Flying Squirrel Squad

  • Nest box in tree
  • Measuring Tree Diameter
  • Bella Villanueva with Nest Box
  • Bella and John at information booth
  • Nest Box in Tree
  •  Nest Box Construction
  • Students constructing squirrel houses
  • Students constructing squirrel houses
  • Larkin Powell and John Benson help in constructing squirrel houses
  • Students constructing squirrel houses
  •  constructing squirrel houses
  • Students constructing squirrel houses

The Lincoln Flying Squirrel Squad is a community-based project with a focus on

  • East Campus flying squirrels
  • outdoor/ educational education
  • Calvert Elementary School
  • the surrounding neighborhood

Our primary goal is to strengthen community bonds and facilitate conversation with our neighbors. We also aim to increase local resident interactions with wildlife and encourage spending time outdoors.

We seek to create educational pathways for students from diverse backgrounds, enabling them to pursue education at UNL and careers in STEM.

Flying Squirrel T-Shirt

It's Flying Squirrel Fridays!

Be the coolist mammal around and show off your pride by buying a Flying Squirrel T-Shirt or a Plush Flying Squirrel Stuff Animal.

Flying Squirrel Stuffed Animal
Flying Squirrel Stuff Animal in tree
NGPC logo


This project is supported by the Nebraska Watchable Wildlife Grant from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.