We Can Help You
Transferring into SNR

Are you thinking about transferring to UNL’s School of Natural Resources (SNR) from another college or university? Read the following information below to find out more about the process.
How does the transfer process work?
- Normally, you should visit with the SNR Recuitment Specialist from the School of Natural Resources during the semester prior to your transfer to UNL. This provides an opportunity to discuss current degree programs and your career goals.
- Check the Credit Transfer Evaluation tool to help determine how some of your credits may transfer: https://admissions.unl.edu/nebraska/equivalency/
- You then need to complete the transfer application form from the UNL Admissions office. As a part of your application, you will need to request your transcripts to be sent to UNL: https://admissions.unl.edu/information-for/transfer/
- Once admitted, admissions staff and/or your new SNR advisor will review your transcripts and credit to determine how transfer credit will apply. Some courses will have direct equivalents, while other courses may require evaluation to determine equivalency. It is very helpful if you save course syllabi and/or detailed course descriptions to share with your advisor during this process.
Is it in my best interest to go to a community college before coming to UNL?
At the School of Natural Resources, we design our programs as a 4-year curriculum to be taken at UNL, and we create unique learning experiences for each of those years. We believe it is in your best interest to enroll as a freshman at UNL. That said, some students have reasons to start their college education at a local community college. In many ways, transfer students go through two "freshman" years—once at their first college or university, and then another new beginning at UNL. There are new faculty to meet, new buildings to find, and new programs to discover. We recognize this, and we work closely with transfer students to ensure an efficient start to their career at UNL. It is especially important to meet with an advisor to ensure required core courses are taken in a timely manner.
Want more information?

Bridget Gross
Undergraduate Recruitment Specialist
- Address
School of Natural Resources
102d South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdredge Street
Lincoln, NE 68583-0981 US - Phone
- 402-472-8915
- bgross3@unl.edu