Improving wind forecasting
Collaborator(s): Rezaul Mahmood
Short-term wind forecasting skill has room for improvement, particularly for large-scale wind energy operations to maximize efficiency and properly determine wind generation output. In this project, the research-grade observations of the Nebraska Mesonet will be utilized to initialize and verify output from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model running at the University of Nebraska Lincoln - the High Plains Real-Time Earth System Model Complex. This model produces hourly forecasts going out to 72 hours and a methodology has been completed to predict winds at 80-m height. Currently the model does not incorporate Mesonet observations for the prediction. Two additional Mesonet sites will be installed in Year 1 using a 10-m tower configuration. To determine the location for these new sites, we will target under-represented areas of the state that are of high importance to Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) wind energy electrical production. The project is funded by the Nebraska Center for Energy Science Research and Nebraska Public Power District.