Volunteering in student organizations and resource centers can be a formative and rewarding part of a student's experience. Professors often report that participation in them helps students develop and hone leadership skills. Employers often like to see that a student has been involved in his or her field outside the requirements of course work.
The student organizations and resource centers listed at right are affiliated with the School of Natural Resources. The faculty contact person is listed under the name of the group. A complete listing of all UNL student organizations can be found on the UNL Student Involvement Web Site or the NvolveU 2.0 website .
The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources has a list of clubs it recognizes.
- UNL Fishing Club
- UNL Fly Fishing Club
- UNL Forestry Club
- Herpetology Club
- Insect Science Club
- Range Management Club
- Soil and Water Resources Club
- Soil Judging Team
- Sustain UNL
- Wildlife Club
UNL Fishing Club

This UNL Student Subunit of the American Fisheries Society (also known as the UNL Fishing Club) is for undergraduate and graduate students interested in the fisheries profession. The purpose of the AFS Subunit is to promote professional development in the field of fishery and aquatic resource science, encourage exchange of regional fisheries and other technical information, and address issues that affect Nebraska's aquatic resources. Annual activities include hosting a fishing tournament for members of the subunit and Nebraska Chapter AFS, and assisting the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission fishery biologists with management activities at Bowling Lake in Lincoln.
Mark Pegg (mpegg2@unl.edu)

UNL Fly Fishing Club

A group of UNL students, staff, and alumni passionate about the outdoors and the art of fly fishing! UNL Fly Fishing Club aims to connect others through fly fishing outings as much as possible throughout the year. In addition, we try to engage members in events through Cornhusker Fly Fishing (UNLFF members have honorary membership in CFF) such as speakers, competitions, and fly tying events. Please refer to our NvolveU page for upcoming meetings dates and to learn more about the club. We hope to see you at a meeting!
UNL Forestry Club

The UNL Forestry Club promotes a better understanding and appreciation of trees and their purpose to the world through the fields of dendrology and arboriculture. The club, which is open to undergraduate and graduate students, meets monthly to provide opportunities for students to learn about trees and forestry careers through hands-on activities, such as tree climbing, ax throwing and tree pruning. They hope to one day compete in the Midwestern Foresters Conclave. Be a Tree Husker.
Lord Ameyaw (lameyaw2@unl.edu, 402-472-2944)
Steven Jara (sjara2@unl.edu or 402-472-6692)
Herpetology Club

Our organization is dedicated to promoting student herpetology education & conservation in the state of Nebraska and across the world. The vision of the UNL Herpetology Club is to establish a collegiate networking system of students, faculty, & professionals that enhances student career opportunities in the field of herpetology.
Advisors: Dennis Ferraro (dferraro1@unl.edu, 402-490-2155)
Kenneth Pyle (kpyle4@unl.edu, 402-472-7471)
President: Nick Kowal (nkowal@huskers.unl.edu)
Vice President: Jade Wawers (jade.wawers@huskers.unl.edu)
Insect Science Club

Insect Science Club serves as a community and resource for students interested in Entomology and its applications across different fields of study. We believe in an environment where arthropods and other invertebrates are accepted and valued as positive contributions to our ecosystem and society. As such we strive to raise awareness and contribute to education on invertebrate importance and conservation through informal scientific education and outreach. We meet roughly every other Thursday from 5:30-6:30/7:30, where we engage in a variety of activities including educational guest lectures, professional workshops, and fun bug related activities and shenanigans.
Our Mission at MANRRS is to promote academic and professional advancement by empowering minorities in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. Here, you have a valuable voice, and your participation matters. MANRRS is a national society that welcomes the membership of people of all backgrounds to participate in agricultural and related science careers. Our chapter is dedicated to co-creating a unique space on campus for people from diverse backgrounds, races, gender identities, sexual orientation, within the agriculture and related science sectors. The purpose of MANRRS is to provide an environment that is conducive to the success of Minority Students interested in any STEM profession. MANRRS is a community where students are given access to the tools that will facilitate their respective college experiences and to broaden students' horizons, thus creating a more diverse community within the CASNR department and related career fields.
- Hoai Vu
- Carly Mendoza
- Roberto Cortinas
Contact Information: unl@manrrs.org
National MANNRS website: www.manrrs.org/who-we-are

Range Management Club

The Range Management Club exists to:
- foster advancement in the science and art of range ecosystem management.
- to stimulate discussion and understanding of scientific and practical range and pasture problems.
- to provide a medium for exchange of ideas and facts among club members and range scientists.
- to attend annual meetings of the Nebraska and International Society for Range Management where students participate in student activities, including the Undergraduate Range Management Exam, Range Plant Identification Contest, Undergraduate Public Speaking Contest, and the Undergraduate Student Paper Session.
Cheryl Dunn (402-472-1953)
Nic McMillan (402-472-6237)
Soil and Water Resources Club

Are you interested in: Stream, lake, or prairie restoration? Wetlands? Soil health? Wise use of water resources? Engineering ecosystems for the benefits of people and the environment? Our club is for students who want hands-on activity with environmental projects and demonstrations, who want to learn about career opportunities in environmental sciences and ecological engineering, and who want to gain social and leadership skills. You can help the SWRC build a sustainable future. To join go to: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/soil-and-water-resources-club.
Tom Franti (402-472-9872 or thomas.franti@unl.edu )
Jeff Westrop (402-472-9422 or jwestrop2@unl.edu)

Soil Judging Team
Students on the Soil Judging Team tie together theory taught in the classroom with the reality in the field through competition. Students work individually and collaboratively in soil pits and exposures to closely examine the soil profile by determining the soil texture, structure, and color of the profile horizons. They also look for signs indicating the soil's origin and site hydrology, describe the landscape setting, and interpret the site's suitability for various land uses. Teams whose evaluations come closest to those of the contest officials score the highest. Regional competition in fall semesters precedes the national contest in spring semesters, to which the top three teams from each region are invited.
Sustain UNL

Sustain UNL focuses on providing opportunities for students to promote awareness and action around issues of sustainability. Working in and around the UNL campus, the club encourages adoption of sustainable practices through activism, education, and service engagement. With the motto of Reduce Reuse Rethink Recycle, Sustain UNL works closely with other organizations on campus and within the community to promote environmental sustainability and hosts many events throughout the school year. For information about upcoming events and how to get more involved, please visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sustainunl/
Wildlife Club

This Wildlife Club provides guidance and further knowledge about specific wildlife; promotes and stimulates interest in wildlife; provides for the cultural and social development of members; provides opportunities to develop leadership; furthers cooperation with organizations concerned with wildlife; and acquaints interested students and faculty members with the wildlife field.