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$35.5K in Scholarships
29 Awards Given

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17 States
2 countries

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1:4 - Faculty/Student

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37 Undergraduate
Research Projects
25 Internships

Meet our Students

Recent Award

UNL Soil Judging Team takes home runner-up award at the National Soil Judging Contest

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Soil Judging team took home six awards this year from the National Soil Judging Contest hosted by Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.

Learn More

Applied Climate Science

Bryan Petersen

Bryan Petersen

"I decided to enroll at UNL, because it was one of the only universities with this major. Since I grew up on a family farm in Nebraska, I wanted a major that integrated some agriculture classes into the degree, and I always have been interested in meteorology and climatology. So, applied climate science was the perfect fit, since the major description is how the climate impacts society as well as agricultural and natural resource systems."

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Isabella Villanueva

Isabella Villanueva

"I want to just be out in nature getting my hands dirty and helping out as much as I can! In addition, my hope is to get more involved and passionate about nature."

Follow Isabella's Story

Nick Sanders

Natalie Robbins

"My favorite class I’ve taken so far would be Intro to Environmental Science. I took this class as a freshman and found that it laid a sturdy foundation for future classes I would take. It was a comprehensive class and allowed me to make connections with others in my major. "

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Claire Nalty

Claire Nalty

"I think diversity and inclusion is absolutely necessary. I feel that the science community, especially surrounding agriculture and natural resources, is historically a closed-minded community. Making science accessible for all people is necessary, and something that I feel the community has been working towards in the past few decades. I think that CASNR is an agent in this, and I have felt nothing but safe and welcome through my journey in this school. This allowed me to feel comfortable in my pursuit of an education. "

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Matthew Chen

Matthew Chen

"The SNR stood out to me as a great way to learn more about the natural resources that Nebraska needs to protect in the future. Also being a life-long Husker fan, it was hard to think of going elsewhere and having to fake support a different team!"

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Callie McCright

Callie McCright

"I think diversity and inclusion are some of the most significant strengths that CASNR brings to the table. During my four years at UNL, I have always felt welcome and a part of the community. Creating an environment that is so inviting to individuals from various backgrounds leads to our success. Exposure to cultural differences is a huge part of college. "

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Fisheries &

Chase Giese

Chase Giese

"One of my first college visits to UNL included a tour of the Herpetology Lab with Dennis Ferraro. It was only supposed to be a 30-minute tour, but we were there for about an hour and a half, because I was so interested in all of the reptiles he had. I made my decision to come to Nebraska shortly after that trip. "

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Kayla Gadeken

Kayla Gadeken

"Outside of classes, I am a student athlete for the Women’s Rifle Team and a member of the Wildlife Club. I have participated in several of the Wildlife Club’s outreach events as well as participated in several community service events around Lincoln."

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Alex Lautenschlager

Alex Lautenschlager

"My mentors have helped me get off on the right foot for my project. They have accelerated my brainstorming and helped me envision what I want to enact such as my prototype. They have also been walls I can bounce off my ideas and receive feedback for. "

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Jana Malene

Jana Malene

Jana is an undergraduate in Fisheries and Wildlife at UNL who recently joined the Applied Wildlife Spatial Ecology Lab in Spring of 2020. She is evaluating species richness and abundance of small mammal communities in cover crop fields and traditional agriculture fields in south-central Nebraska. This data will be used to analyze the influence of cover crop use on the biodiversity of small mammal communities. Her interests include community dynamics and wildlife conservation and management.

Zach Hess

Zach Hess

Zach is an undergraduate Fisheries and Wildlife major specializing in Conservation Biology at UNL. He is also working towards attending Veterinarian School. In the spring of 2020, he joined the Applied Wildlife Spatial Ecology Lab. His undergraduate research focuses on using a novel distance sampling technique using camera traps to estimate white-tailed deer populations. His research interests are focused in the fields of Wildlife Veterinarian Medicine and Ecological Physiology.

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Kaitlyn Dozler

Kaitlyn Dozler

Kaitlyn is an undergraduate Fisheries and Wildlife major specializing in Wildlife Ecology and Management/Conservation Biology with a minor in Grassland Ecology and Management at UNL. In the spring of 2020, she joined the Applied Wildlife Spatial Ecology Lab. She is using camera traps and a novel spot pattern technique to monitor white-tailed deer population status in Nebraska by estimating whitetail fawn recruitment. Her goal is to take techniques proven to be successful in a forest dominated landscape and apply them in an agriculturally dominated landscape to compare success rates. Her research interests are in wildlife spatial ecology and precision conservation.

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Monica Vazquez

Monica Vazquez

"My favorite class I have taken so far is field herpetology with Dennis Ferraro. I was able to have the opportunity to take field herpetology at Cedar Point Biological Station for two weeks and gain hand on experience with native Nebraska herpetofauna. Through this course we learned how to set up pit falls, turtle traps, build drift fences, and practice seining. During our time we were able to catch lizards, toads, frogs, snakes, and salamanders. It was an awesome experience! "

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Madison Husmann

Madison Husmann

"My Change Maker idea is aiming to diversify the outdoor community and allow it to be accessible to all through storytelling and inclusion. I want to make a difference in the outdoors and the world by hearing other people’s stories and experiences. It can make a huge impact. "

Sophia's Story

Regional and Community Forestry

Meet Justin

As an urban forestry student at University of Nebraska, Justin lands an internship at the Nebraska Forest Service and works at the university's tree research and demonstration forest.

Meet Alaina

As an urban forestry student at University of Nebraska, Alaina lands an internship at the Nebraska Forest Service and works at the university's tree research and demonstration forest. Learn more about studying urban forestry.

Meet Lachel

Lachel puts her University of Nebraska degree to work as program development manager for the Arbor Day Foundation.

Water Science

Emillee Lachenmeier

Emillee Lachenmeier

" It's been really cool that I get to do a cross collaboration between the two colleges, " Emillee said. Lachenmeier realized she liked the processes that occurred after the big storm more than the actual storm. With hydrology, Lachenmeier uses math to look at water flow amounts and values and runoff from different systems.

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Celeste Kenworthy

Celeste Kenworthy

" I decided on my major before I decided which university I wanted to attend. I knew I wanted to study water science. I researched and toured several universities, but UNL was the only one that had a major in water science. I competed at State for Science Olympiad for 6 years, which is hosted on UNL’s east campus. Being able to come to a place that was familiar to me made my transition experience all the better. "

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Alec Weisser

Alec Weisser

"I decided to attend Nebraska because it is one of the few colleges that offer a water science major. Water science with an emphasis in hydrology is a unique major that combines my passion for water, natural resources, math, and physics. With such a good program in my home town why go anywhere else?"

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Internship Experiences

Emma Chesley

Emma Chesley

"As part of my Oregon Sea Grant Internship, I get to be in the ocean every day. I post biweekly blogs about my experiences and what I have learned. "

Read one of Emma's blog posts.

Emily Nelson

Emily Nelson

"The School of Natural Resources places high value on work experience, and as someone who lives with passion for zoos, wildlife, conservation, and education, I realize that there could not be a better opportunity available for me. The Honolulu Zoo and the Honolulu Zoo Society offer wonderful experiences not only for children (or keiki, in Hawaiian), but also for me as a staff member. "

Read about Emily's Internship

Ethan Freese

Ethan Freese

" During my time at UNL, I’ve had opportunities to take part in a variety of internships and research opportunities. One of my most memorable experiences has been my time spent working for the Platte Basin Timelapse Project (PBT). PBT uses various forms of multimedia to document change over time, and tell stories throughout the Platte River basin. The project has over fifty time-lapse cameras set up across the Basin, in Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming. "

CASNR Dean's List

Each semester, students who have attained high academic achievements may qualify to be on the Dean's List. Each student on this list has earned a semester GPA of at least a 3.75 in a minimum of 12 graded hours. View current list and requirements.

  • Spring 2024: 107 Students
  • Fall 2023: 135 Students
  • Spring 2023: 93 Students
  • Fall 2022: 110 Students
  • Spring 2022: 93 Students
  • Fall 2021: 106 Students
  • Spring 2021: 84 Students
  • Fall 2020: 98 Students
  • Spring 2020: 115 Students
  • Fall 2019: 71 Students
  • Spring 2019: 78 Students
  • Fall 2018: 73 Students
  • Spring 2018: 55 Students
  • Fall 2017: 56 Students
  • Spring 2017: 47 Students
  • Fall 2016: 49 Students
  • Spring 2016: 45 Students
  • Fall 2015: 37 Students