Southern Flying Squirrel Project - Nesting Boxes

box on tree

Would you like us to put up a nest box on your property?

Fill in the form at the link below requesting a Squirrel Squad member to contact you and discuss installing a nest box on your property.

Request a Box

Would you like to build your own box and install it yourself?

Nest boxes should be placed at least 10 feet about the ground with the entrance facing east, southeast, or south.

Installing a nesting box may help wildlife biologists determine the range of the species. However, if flying squirrels begin to use a box, do not disturb the squirrels.

Download Installation Instructions

You can let us know that you have placed a box by using a form in the community scientist section.

Box Designs

Don Althoff Design

Althoff Design

Don Althoff is a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and professor at University of Rio Grande in Ohio. Don has produced hundreds of nest boxes for flying squirrels during his career and monitored them with students.

John Carroll Design

Carroll Design

John Carroll is the former Director of the School of Natural Resources. John has made many nesting boxes and works with the Flying Squirrel Squad to build boxes for around Lincoln, Nebraska.

Texas Design

Texas Design

What should be put here?

Are House Sparrows Invading Your Nest Boxes?

Download Design Adjustments

Nest Box Located on or near East Campus of UNL

Location of Nestbox on East Campus as of 4/22/2024
Location of the Southern Flying Squirrel Nest Boxes on East Campus of UNL as of 4/22/2024
John Carrol with Nestbox near Hardin Hall
John Carroll installs a Southern Flying Squirrel Nest Box near Hardin Hall