Please Contact Christine Steggs with comments or updates at

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Annual Performance Evaluations


  • Administrative Associate - Sarah Thorell,, 909 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-9873
  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Evaluation of Faculty

Faculty performance will be evaluated annually. In the fall, each faculty member must submit:

  • statement of goals or expected outcomes and accomplishments for reporting year (two pages maximum)
  • impact statement (one page maximum)
  • statement of other contributions (optional; one page maximum)
  • current CV (highlight in yellow 2023 accomplishments)
  • completed teaching calculator (if they have a teaching appointment)
  • completed degree progress form for each graduate student advised or co-advised

Center or division directors will evaluate faculty who are part of their center or division. The SNR director will evaluate all other faculty.

Evaluation of Staff

Each fall and spring, staff are to meet with their supervisor to conduct a performance conversation and report it through Trakstar Perform. By March 31, supervisors are to report to the director a merit recommendation for each staff they supervise using the Merit Recommendation form. Prior to providing the recommendation, supervisors are asked to:

  • read employee's position description (must obtain from
  • read TrakStar reports from performance conversations
  • read any supervisor notes recorded during the year
  • complete the Merit Recommendation form
  • for an employee who "exceeds" or "does not meet expectations", the supervisor must provide documentation/justification (NOTE: if an employee's merit recommendation is "does not meet expectations", the TrakStar reports must include statements that reflect this.)
  • email the completed form with justification to director or administrative associate.

The director will review/approve all merit recommendations before they will go forward

Customer Peer Comment Form

Form to comment on interactions with other employees within SNR for the employee's supervisor.

Download Customer Peer Comment Form



  • Co-Chair Graduate Committee - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718
  • Recruitment and Retenstion, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

SNR Meritorious Graduate Student Award

The awards honor the best SNR students and recognize their academic achievements, research, teaching contributions, leadership accomplishments, service and personal qualifications.

The Award: Recipients will receive $500 each (one MS and/or one PhD) and a certificate.

Eligibility: Candidates must have completed at least one academic year of graduate work (two semesters) leading to an MS or PhD degree in Natural Resource Sciences and must be current student at the time of the award.  Graduate students can receive this award only once for each degree. Students cannot self-nominate themselves.

Selection Process and Criteria: The Graduate Committee will select the recipients based on:

  • Academic achievements, honors, and awards, GPA of at least 3.5.
  • Research/teaching contributions.
  • Leadership accomplishments (academic and professional).
  • Service activities (community and professional organizations).
  • Personal qualities (leadership, commitment to excellence, and communication skills).

Deadline: Nominations should be submitted by the student's advisor to Brooke Mott in early Spring 2025.

Awards will be announced at the SNR Spring Banquet.

Requirements to be submitted electronically to Brooke Mott

  • One nomination letter from advisor (advisor is encouraged to: identify expectations of assistantships [percent research, teaching and extension] or graduate position (for unfunded students), limit nominations to a single student, and highlight student's productivity in each area of selection criteria),
  • One nomination letter from a fellow graduate student in the School of Natural Resources (no self-nominations) (fellow graduate students are encouraged to provide specific examples related to each of the selection criteria, and should work with an advisor to improve their letter),
  • Student's unofficial transcript showing current GPA (advisor* or student can download this from MyRed; Note: does not have access to the transcripts), and
  • Student's Curriculum Vitae.

*If faculty do not have access to unofficial transcripts, please complete a request form and submit the completed form to Brooke Mott. The form is at this link:

Download Meritorious Submission Form

SNR Staff Recognition Award

The SNR Staff Advisory and Professional Development Committee (SAPDC) is charged with coordinating the SNR Staff Recognition Award. The School presents the awards twice a year, one in each semester. The awards are presented at the Annual Spring Banquet.

Benefits in Kind


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Family Medical Leave & Certification Forms

Form used to request Family Medical Leave. Complete and submit to supervisor with Family Medical Leave Certification Form. The Certification Form is to be completed by a physician or medical practitioner.

Download Family Medical Leave Form

Download Family Medical Leave Certification Form

Faculty Professional Development Funds

The purpose of the Professional Development Fund is to support the professional development of IANR faculty so that they may effectively and creatively fulfill their responsibilities.

Download Faculty Professional Development Funds Request

Staff Professional Development Funds

The School of Natural Resources makes funds available to staff through the Staff Professional Development Fund. The fund is administered by the SAPDC and the Director's Office. The purpose of this fund is to support the professional development of managerial/professional and office/service/technical staff so that they may fulfill their job responsibilities in effective and innovative ways.

Eligible to Apply: Full-time, regular support staff (managerial/professional and office/service/technical) from the School of Natural Resources are eligible to apply. Temporary employees are not eligible.

Amount and Distribution: Applicants may request up to $250 per state fiscal year. A minimum request of $10 is required. If approved, funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Funds Usage: The use of these funds must relate to the duties of the position or to the employee's goals, which are agreed to by both the employee and their supervisor.

Examples include:

  • Making presentations at professional and society meetings.
  • Attending conferences, professional development workshops, seminars, or meetings.
  • A group workshop, such as training with Outlook, communication skills, Excel, etc.


  1. Individuals will need to have their immediate supervisor's approval. A completed application must include the signature of employee and his/her immediate supervisor(s).
  2. It is recommended that the Staff Professional Development Fund Request application be completed/submitted at least 30 days before the proposed expenditure of funds. The completed application will be turned into the chair of the SAPDC committee.
  3. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
    • Whether funds are available.
    • How well the proposed activity fits into the individual's job duties (as defined by the job description), goals, or professional objectives.
  4. An employee needing funds exceeding $250.00 such as a conference registration may request that part of it be paid from these SAPDC funds. The remaining amount would then be left to be covered by a cost object or other means discussed with the employees supervisor.

NOTE: If the employee pays for an expense personally rather than using a cost object for the expense in which the SAPDC funds were requested, such as a conference registration, he/she must fill out a Non-Travel Employee Expense Voucher in order to be reimbursed.

Download SNR Staff Professional Development Funds Request

Request to Take Classes during Work Hours

Form to take UNL classes during employee's scheduled work hours. Must be approved by the employee's supervisor.

Download Request To Take Class during Work Hours Form

Business Cards


  • First Contact - Romanchak Madaan, , ,

To order business cards, refer to the Printing Services website for pricing and related information:

Complete an the Order Form (below), list Printing Services as the vendor, identify the style you would like to have from the options at this website (, add quantity, cost object to bill, your contact information (if they have questions), and any other required information. Email the form to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC).

Download Order Form

Course - Special Topics Request


  • SNR Teaching Coordinator - Mark Vrtiska,, 524 South HARH EC 0995, Phone: 402-472-8146
  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Use this form to request a Special Topics course. It cannot be added to the schedule until this form has been approved by the SNR Teaching Coordinator.

Download Special Topics Request Form

Course - Student Trip Insurance


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Student Trip Insurance provides protection in the event of an accident. All University of Nebraska students are required to have student trip insurance when traveling outside the city of Lincoln. Trips that are inside the city of Lincoln are not required to have Field Trip Insurance but are encouraged to do so.

Students traveling for a course or other University-sponsored trips will have health insurance coverage through UNL. The instructor must apply for UNL Student Trip Insurance, which will require the students to complete a form prior to the trip. This provides students with $2,500 of accidental medical and $30,000 of accidental death coverage.

For injuries or illnesses that are not related to courses of University-sponsored trips, students will need to use their personal health insurance coverage.

Download Student Trip Insurance Request Form

Graduate Student - Fellowships and Travel Grants


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Natural Resource Sciences Doctoral Graduate Student Conference Travel Funds

The Natural Resource Sciences Doctoral Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant, granted on a competitive basis, allows advanced Natural Resource Sciences Ph.D. students to travel to professional and scholarly meetings to make professional presentation. The request must be submitted and approved in advance of travel.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Registered full-time (9 credit hours) or be eligible to be full-time certified, during the academic year (funding cannot be provided to part-time students or those employed at UNL with an FTE greater than 0.49).
  • In good academic standing in a Natural Resource Sciences Ph.D. program during the semester the travel grant will be used.
  • Be registered for classes or research hours during the semester of travel. If traveling between semesters, he/she must also be registered for the semester following travel.
  • Have earned at least one-half of the credit hours required to complete their intended program of study and have an approved program of study on file in the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • Giving first- or single-authored presentations at a conference/meeting of regional, national or international stature.
  • Provide a PDF (scanned) copy of the invitation to present or the acceptance notification.
  • Students may receive only one Travel Grant per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), and may only receive a total of two travel grants over the entire course of their graduate career at UNL.

Grant Disbursement:

Graduate Student Conference Travel Grants must be used to defray lodging, travel and related expenses. Travel Grants will be disbursed to recipients as lump-sum payments processed through UNL Payroll. Recipients who are on UNL's payroll will receive their grants through the payroll system, with tax deductions made as in the normal process for tax withholding. Recipients who are not on UNL's payroll are still responsible for taxes and must declare their grant award in their tax statements.

Download Travel Fund Request Form

Wildwood Trust

The Trust supports travel expenses (up to $500) for SNR graduate students to present their research at professional meetings. Graduate students advised by SNR's Applied Ecology faculty are eligible. Graduate students may receive one travel award during their graduate program.

Please send Mark Pegg a cover letter requesting the funding, a copy of your presentation/poster title and abstract (please indicate if it is accepted), and a very brief budget showing total costs and what is covered by Wildwood.

IANR Funds

Students whose major is within the College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources may be eligible to apply for IANR fellowships and travel grants.

More information can be found at:

Graduate Student - Mentoring Agreement


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

This document represents an agreement reached between the graduate student and the faculty mentor/advisor regarding the structure of the working relationship during the student's working relationship with the professor. It should be developed collaboratively between the two parties.


  1. Students should print off a copy of the agreement form and set a meeting time for student and mentor.
  2. Student finalizes the form based on discussion.
  3. Student signs form.
  4. Student has mentor sign form.
  5. Student submits a copy of the form to Brooke Mott, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs, 911 South Hardin Hall, EC 0989.

Download Mentoring Agreement

Graduate Student - Progress Toward Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Co-Chair Graduate Committee - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

Form for Graduate Student and Advisor to fill out on periodic meetings to chart the graduate students progress toward completing their degree.

  • Student completes first part of form
  • Student sends to Advisor
  • Advisor completes middle part of form
  • Advisor returns form to student
  • Student schedules meeting with advisor
  • Student and Advisor complete last part of the form
  • Student and Advisor sign and date form
  • Completed form is sent to Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs

Download Graduate Student Progress Form

Grant Proposals and Forms


  • Business Center Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703
  • Finance/Grants Specialist - Lisa Beethe,, 237d North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-8876

Critical Information for Proposals

The form shall be completed by the grant applicant. The information provided will be used by the Grants Specialists in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to complete the grant proposal in NUGrant.

Download Critical Information for Proposals Form

Grant Budget Template

Use this template to assist in planning the budget for a grant proposal.

Grant Budget Template

IPAS - Institutional Prior Approval to Spend

Use this form to request that grant spending be approved before award has been formally granted.

Download IPAS Form

Reduced F & A Request

This form will be completed by the grant applicant when there is a need for reduced facilities and administrative rates for a grant proposal. The information provided will be used by the Grants Specialists in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to complete the request in NUGrant.

Download Reduced F & A Request Form

Subrecipient Form

When a grant proposal includes a subaward, the sub institution must complete this form and return it to the designated Grants Specialist in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC). This is in addition to receiving a letter of intent from the collaborator.

Download Subrecipient Form

Image & Video Use


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Recruitment and Retension Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Student Success Coordinator - Sara Winn,, 912 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-0636

Image Release Form - Group

Form to grant permission to use and display group images of adults. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.

SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.

  • Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
  • For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
  • For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.

Download Group Image Use Request Form

Image Submission Form

Complete this form to supply information (metadata) about images that can be used by the School of Natural Resources.

Download Image Submission Form

SNR Single User Image Release Form

Form to grant permission to use and display images of adults and minors. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.

SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.

  • Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
  • For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
  • For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.

Download Image Release - Single User Form



  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Work-related injuries and illness may occur. When this happens, if an employee has a paid appointment with the University, he or she and the supervisor need to report the work-related injury or illness as soon as possible to the UNL Benefits Office. Emeritus faculty*, retired staff, visitors, guests, and students** are not eligible for Worker's Compensation. If they are injured while on University property, they must use their personal funds/insurance to cover any medical expenses.

* Emeritus faculty who sustain a work-related injury or illness while doing a paid assignment for the University will qualify for worker's compensation.

** Students who are employees (e.g. on paid assistantships or student workers) and sustain a work-related injury or illness will qualify for worker's compensation, for that specific injury or illness. If they are injured while walking to class, that injury is not covered under worker's compensation.

Forms to be completed include:

Additional information about work-related illnesses and injuries may be found at

Nebraska Maps & More Store (Map and Publication Sales and Distribution)


  • Sales and Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

SNR maintains a walk-in and on-line store ( where customers can purchase SNR and US Geological Survey (USGS) publications. In addition, the store is Nebraska's only USGS Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) outlet. As such, it is authorized to sell USGS products, including complete topographic map coverage of Nebraska. The walk-in store is open 8 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, closed weekends and major holidays. The on-line store is open 24/7. Those receiving funding from SNR receive a 30% employee discount on their purchases. Items bearing the N logo already include the employee discount.


  • Retail operation for the sale and distribution of books, maps, brochures, etc. produced by SNR and others.
  • Distribution of informational material to the general public.
  • Packet preparation for outreach and workshop activities.
  • Preparation and staffing for SNR presence at outreach events such as annual meetings, workshops, festivals, etc.


  • For product prices, please visit Nebraska Maps and More.
  • For sales practices and pricing, please see the Product Information Form.

Download Product Information Form

Black and White Copying

Color Printing

  • Small lot (50 pages or less), normally completed the same day, $0.15 to $0.30 per side depending on paper size and amount of color.
  • Large lot (over 50 pages) will be outsourced to UNL Copy Center or other vendors, allow additional time for completion of your project. $0.07 to $0.50 per side.

New Employee


  • HR Contact - Lyness Mkwezalamba,, 237k North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-0833
  • Payroll Associate - Theresa Gansemer,, 237i North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-7773

New Employee Payroll Form

Use this form to supply relevant information to appoint an hourly employee.

Download New Employee Payroll Form

Office Supplies


  • Office Associate for Operations - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

As a student you are expected to provide your own basic office supplies to function in the student capacity. If you are in need of specific office supplies related to your work or research or as part of an assistantship, work with your adviser to determine if funds are available for the purchase. If it is determined that supplies can be purchased an order must be placed with Office Depot. You will need to provide the item number, description, and a cost object as you complete the Order Form (see below) and submit it to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Office Depot Order Coordinator.

The General SNR Supply List shows the general office supplies that are available to employees in 121 South Hardin Hall (HarH 121).

A limited supply of select items is maintained. Additional supplies can be ordered through Office Depot at discount prices under the University contract. To order supplies through Office Depot that are not on the below list or are a large quantity, you will need to provide the item number, description, and a cost object as you complete the Order Form and submit it to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Office Depot Order Coordinator.

Download Order Form



  • Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Office Associate for Sales - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

On Campus Parking

There is no free parking on campus. All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times. If you will have a car, purchase your parking permit from Parking and Transit Services online or in person in the Stadium Drive Parking Garage. Parking permits are available annually, by semester or a variety of other terms. A map of available parking lots can be at accessed at

Parking and Transit Services can issue temporary handicap parking permits. The Equity, Access, and Diversity Program can assist you with longer term special parking needs. Contact them directly, Equity, Access, and Diversity Programs to setup an accommodation.

If you are driving a rental car or other vehicle be sure to register that vehicle with Parking and Transit Services.

A free bus pass (valid for both campus and city bus systems) is also available for all registered students. A free bus pass is also available to faculty and staff who pay for campus parking passes.

Service and Delivery Permits

Service Delivery Permits are available for occasional use by faculty, staff, and students for business purposes only. The Service Delivery Permits are valid in the following University parking areas only if placed in a vehicle with a valid University of Nebraska - Lincoln parking permit (other than "P" permits): City and East Campus Area A, any Service and Delivery spaces and spaces marked for the use of our department. Check out Service Delivery Permits at the Nebraska Maps & More Store.

Off Campus Parking

Street parking available on the streets surrounding East Campus. When parking in the neighborhoods be courteous to those in the neighborhood. Watch for snow emergency information following snow storms.


Remember to register your bicycle, if you plan to bike to campus. Secure bikes only on bike racks.


Guests/Visitors are unaffiliated persons (not faculty, staff, student or volunteer of NU) who may occasionally visit campus. In some instances these persons can park in a Guest/Visitor parking spot or an unmarked spot and come to the Nebraska Maps & More Store to get a permit. Occasional Parking Permits can be purchased at the Nebraska Maps & More Store for your guest/visitors who do not qualify for a complimentary permit, they are $4.00 per day.

Guest/Visitor Permits are available to unaffiliated persons in the following situations:

  • Prospective Students visiting to learn about our program, campus or college.
  • Drop-in Visitor to faculty or staff for outreach or educational purposes. Does not include Media drop-in or scheduled visits.
  • Job candidate visiting for an interview.
  • Speakers/Lecturers/Presenters for academic courses (in the academic catalog that students register for and are not also open to the general public as a Public Seminar).


When hosting a meeting or event you must request Conference Permits in advance. They are available for $7.00 each from UNL Parking & Transit Services. See the Sales & Event Manager for assistance with Conference Permit orders.

Parking permits from UNK, UNO, and UNMC may be used on the UNL Campus. However, any University of Nebraska faculty, staff, and students who are primarily assigned to the UNL campus must purchase a permit from UNL's Parking & Transit Services Office and may not use permits from other campuses.

State of Nebraska vehicles do not need parking permits to park on campus and may park in any unmarked or non-metered spaces. Government vehicles (except State of Nebraska vehicles) require Departmental Guest Permits to park on campus or may park and pay in a metered space.

For additional information see the Parking & Transit Services website.

East Campus Weekend Parking

All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times, including weekends.

East Campus departments can submit a Weekend Parking Log for weekend events, submit to Andrew Lowe in the Vice Chancellor's office to request complimentary weekend parking for events, submit at least 10 days before a scheduled event. The Vice Chancellor's office will provide that information to the Special Events staff in Parking and Transit Services. If the event is within 10 days, the department is still required to complete/submit the log form. If the special event on the UNL East Campus requires more than parking space (i.e., parking attendants, reserved parking or covered meters), the unit hosting the event will be responsible for paying the additional costs.

If SNR Event Planning staff is working with you on an event, they will complete/submit the log for you. If you are not working through SNR Event Planning staff, you are responsible for completing and submitting the form.

Download Weekend Parking Log



  • Finance Associate - Olivia Boender,, 237f North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-8726
  • Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

HyVee Food Purchase Authorization Form

Complete this form to check out the HyVee Food Purchasing card. This card can be used to purchase food for University sponsored events. It may not be used for the in store cafe. Food purchases may only be at the HyVee store located at 1601 North 84th Street (84th and Holdrege), Lincoln, NE (402) 467-5505.

Download HyVee Purchase Authorization Form

Non-Competitive Purchase Justification

This form must be completed by the requesting department for all single and sole source purchases. Purchases less than $25,000 can be approved by the Department. Purchases greater than $25,000 must be submitted to UNL Procurement Services for approval.

Non-Competitive Purchase Justification

General Order Form

Complete this form and submit it to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to order supplies or services.

Download Order Form

Procurement Card Transaction Voucher

Complete this form and submit it along with the original receipt to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) for any UNL Purchasing Card transaction. An EXCEL version of the file can be downloaded here.

Download Procurement Card Transaction Voucher

SNR Directory & Profile


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904

The SNR Directory is part of the SNR website. The directory contains a portrait style image of the person, their contact information and a link to a profile page. Faculty are required to provide an image; staff and graduate students posting of an image is optional but highly recommended.

Profiles contain additional information about the person and may include a CV, narrative story about the person's connection to the school, research/outreach or other information. The profile can be populated by completing the Information Questionnaire and returning that to the SNR Webmaster. Information can be updated at any time.

Download Faculty Information Questionnaire
Download Graduate Student Information Questionnaire
Download Staff Information Questionnaire



  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
  • Associate Director for Undergraduate Education - Jenny Dauer,, 904 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8136

Human Resources

Required by all employees and volunteers:

  • Title IX Training [Firefly]

Supervisor Resources

Supervisor Training [HR]

Required of supervisors

  • Americans with Disabilities Act Training [HR]

Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health and Safety Portal [EHS]

Required by all employees and volunteers:

  • Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP)
  • Emergency Preparedness Training (CEMER)


Safety Training Needs Assessment [EHS]

Other Training

Large Passanger Van Traning [Transportation Services]


[Office of Research & Economic Development]

Volunteer & Youth Activity


Search Committee training (mandatory for anyone serving on a search committee). Before serving on a search committee, you must attend a seminar and renew every three years.

Search Committee Information [Institutional Equity and Compliance].


Academic Technology & Support [UN Information Technology Services]

Microsoft Training

Website and Content Management System

Complete Training

Once any training is completed, provide the SNR Assistant to the Director . Any time job duties change, training needs should be reviewed, and any new training needs to be completed.

Training Completion Notice Form



  • Business Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

When representing the University while traveling out of one's duty station, Pre-Trip Request must be completed via Concur travel for approval in advance of the travel. A completed Pre-Trip Request must be routed and approved to request reimbursement. If you do not anticipate having expenses to be reimbursed, you are to submit a zero dollar trip request.

When traveling is of a personal nature, a TA is not required. You must complete and submit a leave request via Firefly prior to the travel.

Download the University of Nebraska general travel policy guidelines. (Updated March 2019)

Basic Information about the Pre-Trip Authorization (TA)

  • For additional information including the most up-to-date IRS Standard Meal Allowance per diem rates and Mileage Reimbursement Rate, refer to Scroll to the bottom of the screen.


Student Trips

  • If a faculty member is sponsoring a class field trip or club trip, the sponsoring faculty is to describe the activity on their TA, and attach the completed Student Trip Insurance form as the class roster. Download Student Trip Insurance Form
  • For additional information about student trips see
  • All students, whether they are employees or not, who are traveling beyond a 10-mile radius of campus must carry a minimum of $30,000 accidental death insurance and $2,500 medical cost reimbursement insurance. If they do not have this level of insurance and are traveling as an employee, they may purchase it through the Benefits Office, 32 Canfield Administration Building, 402-472-2600; the current rate is 25 cents per day. If they are traveling as part of a class or club, the faculty member sponsoring the activity may use school funds to purchase the insurance.

International Travel

A Pre-Trip Request is required prior to booking any international travel. All international flights must be booked via Fox Travel. Accounting will not reimburse for international flights booked personally, no exceptions.

Pre-Trip Travel Authorization

The form is used to request authorization for out-of-state travel when Firefly access is not available.

Download Pre-Trip Authorization Form

Employee Expense Voucher and Non-Travel Expense Voucher

Complete and submit this form to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to request reimbursement for non-travel and travel related expenses not processed through Firefly.

Download Employee Expense Voucher

University - Purchased Equipment, Property, Surplus Inventory


  • Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Purchasing Specialist - Olivia Boender,, 237f North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-8726
  • Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Objects on Loan - Theresa Gansemer,, 237i North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-7773
  • Surplus Inventory Notification - Jeremy Hiller,, 410 South HARH EC 0974, Phone: 402-472-2093


All property purchased with any University funds is owned by the University, not by the individual for whose use it was purchased, and must be returned to the department if the employee leaves UNL.

When retiring University property and equipment, an inventory form is completed and forwarded to the NRBC Purchasing Specialist.

For specific questions and guidance regarding transferring University property and inventory, contact the NRBC Purchasing Specialist.

When leaving SNR, work with your advisor to ensure that you turn in all University-purchased equipment, property, and educational materials. This includes items such as laptops, digital cameras, video recorders, etc.

When leaving employment with SNR, turn in all University-purchased equipment, property, and educational materials. The items should be returned to your supervisor or appropriate manager noting on the "Employee Checklist" the date items were returned. This includes items such as laptops, digital cameras, video recorders, etc.

Objects Temporarily on Loan

This form is used to keep track of objects temporarily on loan to employees. Please list those objects that were purchased or are the property of UNL that are currently on loan to you.

These items are NOT be entered into "objects on loan" in SAP

Download Inventory Sheet

Surplus Inventory

When equipment purchased with University funds is no longer needed for department use it shall be returned to UNL Inventory.

If the item has an inventory tag because if purchased with federal funds, depending on the item etc, Sponsored Programs may have to be notified. By having the tag number it helps Inventory to deactivate the item(s) and remove it from SNR’s List.

Provide a description of the item(s), a model and/or serial number, and if the item(s) is working or non-working to Karen Gilbert.

Place items in the surplus inventory area in HarH 137 South and return form to Karen Gilbert.

Download Surplus Pickup Request Form

Additional information

Additional policies regarding University-purchased Equipment, Property, and Educational Materials can be found at:

Visiting Personnel/Nonresident Alien Independent Contractor


  • Business Center Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

Complete the "Visiting Personnel / Nonresident Alien Independent Contractor Miscellaneous Expense Voucher" to request payment of visiting non-University personnel.

Download Miscellaneous Expense Voucher

If Canadian is checked, the "B-1/B-2 Affidavit Form" will also need to be submitted.

DownloadB-1/B-2 Affidavit Form

Complete and submit the "Wire Transfer Cover Sheet ".

Download Wire Transfer Cover Sheet

Work Hours - Flexible Time/Alternate Location


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

The University's core work hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any variation to work hours requested by the employee requires completion of a formal "Request for Flextime Form", which must be completed and submitted by the employee, approved by the employee's supervisor, and approved by the Director.

If an employee has requested a change in his/her work location to benefit the employee, then a formal "Request for Alternative Work Location Form " must be completed and submitted by the employee, approved by the employee's supervisor, and approved by the Director. If approved, an evaluation must be completed afterward and submitted to the Director's Office. SNR is generally supportive of an employee's request to work flextime and, when needed, an alternative work location. However, not all positions are eligible for consideration. In addition, in order for SNR to maintain University hours, not all requests can be approved.

Flex-time and alternate work location are reviewd after 3 months, 6 months, and annually.

Download Request for Flextime Form

Download Request for Alternative Work Location Form

Download Flex-time Evaluation Form